With leftover parts that were almost free!
Nice vid, try Windows Movie Maker to edit out the part you don't want.
I could have bought a super clean 300 SX when I first moved back to WV for 200 bucks but I listened ot a woman and didn't buy it. She did have a point though, it would be in the way and it was too small to ride. But I keept thinking how a 650 would be fun in it and i have a 650.
As usual you have no clue,I built that engine back when I worked at the Kawi stealership,that was one of the first Kawi factory made 550 reed engines in the US ,as soon as the broucheres came out which was months before the units came out I ordered brand new cases,cylinder,pistons,KDX 200 reeds and cages,a R&R trued and welded crankshaft,two new 38 BN's,Hot Products dual 38 manifold , a Coffman 1/2 pipe,gaskets,seals and flame arrestors and put it all together,it has only been apart twice since then,one time ten years or so ago why I hydrolocked the engine and bent both rods and last year when I rebuilt it ,ported it and installed the 40 Kehins,Ocean pro dual intake,Bad bones reeds,Westcoast dual Total loss and the Westcoast full pipe and new Wiseco PJS pistons with boost holes.I did try Windows movie maker,it wouldn't work with that type file.I will fool with it later when I have more time.