I’m officially redubbing this
the testosterone thread...
(and its classic great for you guys, :argue:, :Banane35::stooges

Diversion Tactic #3:
DJ – we stayed at Tower 23 in PB one night…check it out (premo), and we did drive some of the residential areas there so I could get a feel for the market (I got pics of SloMo, lol). Haven’t ruled PB out, and of course you and yours would have a place to hang your hat always if I go through with it which is likely. I’ll prob head back out in 30 days…was too sick to check much out this time. Very cool on the female standup rider (hope she rides surf, but still cool if not)!
Nick – I’m trying to fall asleep and wake back up in four hours to make Sebby in time to grab the b1 and ski, but it’s not looking good at this point. I’ll call you next week when I get it together. Call Cracker 2mrrw if he didn’t call you tonight (Fri night).
Cracker - hopefully you see this over here instead of the other thread you mentioned… fyi above…don’t wait around on my butt please…was out later than intended tonight. I’ll get there at some point before the weekend is out (you may see me ride out on the Doo tomorrow for it all…not taking the sj out there again without the bilge pump…no liability here Sir), plus I was slack on texting others (will do it in the am though)…my bad!
Stricky – I’ve been lugging these two cans of ether around for you now almost half a year forgetting to give them to you each meet…get well soon Sir!
Torr - I saw the pics in the islands...very cool indeed and glad you guys made it!!! (I was thinking that it was this weekend for some reason...I'm so lost these days for never reading anything it seems...even thought Cracker was racing Saturday lol!!)
Emm/Tom: :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: