Surfriding 360 Flat Spin at Hugo with Tanner Moon


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
Real quick vid of a flat spin at Hugo a while back. Enjoy!

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thats bada#@, might not be the hardest trick out there but I always loved the way it looked, Iv been trying to get my kawi to do that all summer.


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
It also feels really cool when you pull it. My advice is get up on top of the wave like you are surfing it, then go towards the bottom of the wave, then turn the bars to the stop and nail the throttle and slide off the top of the wave. Looking over your shoulder helps as well. But speed and power is your friend with this trick. Zach Bright has a much better explanation of how to do it. He needs to post up his details on here.


Zack Bright. I Thrash.
Site Supporter
Oceanside, CA
Zack Bright has a much better explanation of how to do it. He needs to post up his details on here.

well poop man it looks like you got it down! i come at it similar to you but i hit the wave way later... i try and get the lip of the wave to help smack the rear of my ski to get a quick rotation. im sure youve figured out that landing 270 from a great height is not ideal on your ski or your knees so getting that pop of the lip is key. i spin it like id spin a 360 on my snowboard. using your head to look thru your rotation is key, aswell as being centered on your ski. you gotta crank the bars hard, spot your landing, and make sure to not land too flat. the take off is key, if you dont get that spin off the lip, your not going to make it.


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
well poop man it looks like you got it down! i come at it similar to you but i hit the wave way later... i try and get the lip of the wave to help smack the rear of my ski to get a quick rotation. im sure youve figured out that landing 270 from a great height is not ideal on your ski or your knees so getting that pop of the lip is key. i spin it like id spin a 360 on my snowboard. using your head to look thru your rotation is key, aswell as being centered on your ski. you gotta crank the bars hard, spot your landing, and make sure to not land too flat. the take off is key, if you dont get that spin off the lip, your not going to make it.

Im still not picturing the lip hitting the back of your ski to help with the rotation. Any video or better explanation of how that happens?
This trick is sick and has me wanting to drive too the ocean just to do it.

I could only get a 270 at wavedaze and the landing sucked like zack said

Nice vid!!! Very smooth with a nice ride away


Tanner M.
Jacksonville, Fl
i basically mean hitting the wave super late so the wave closes out into the side/corner of your ski.

Ok so lets say the wave is on your left. You drop down in and then back up to start the spin to the left correct? Does the nose of your ski go over the whitewash? The only way i picture it hitting the side is if at the last second you rotate to the right and the ski rotates to the right after getting the push.

Or do you mean that you get in front of the closing out wave and let it hit the back of the ski? Still learning all the terms when it comes to surfing and waves...hahaha.
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