300/440/550 440-550 built motor not starting for the 1st time =(


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I would just ditch all that crappy old fuel line and the fuel selector, and run a line with a filter right from the tank reserve line to the inlet on the carb.run the return directly back to the tank. keep the check valve and make sure it is working and then block the main feed line off. I think its not getting the fuel. It could be a number of things, but i would think its the carb. When i rebuilt my motor i had to hand choke it for at least 30 second to get the fuel pumping and get it to fire.
its getting fuel and spark... i can see the fuel misting out of the top of the carb. its def running backwards but the shaft is spinning the correct way. but pushing air out the carb and sucking thru the exhaust... what will cause this?


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well now that your going to be ignorant about it im sure no one will help you. you obviously have no idea what you are doing and according to you neither does anyone here so its prolly best you go elsewhere. good luck with your fancy painted paper weight.
it has to be a timing issue. im going to check the timing and go from there. i got to go get a puller tomorrow for the flywheel because mine didnt fit. could it be just a timing adjust? would i have to time it differently with the mods on the motor?


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you know everything you should be able to figure it out. its simple really. im sure someone on the other site would have no problem making you a paint diagram on how to time your ski. you should look there
your right. there arnt any a-holes like your self. i was just saying i perfer pwctoday cuz responces are instant. ur life must suck so bad that you have to talk :):):):) to someone you dont even know.
anyways. ill post what the timing was like when i get a chance to check it out. i decided to ditch that bn and get the sbn. i tried to get a video of what i was seeing but it didnt come out 2 good due the the droid 2 chitty video camera.


Lancaster PA
try everything you want you compression is too low. You did something wrong if you just put this motor together like you say. There is either way too much clearance or its got the wrong rings or maybe the rings are just stuck or something but dont look into all the other little things till you figure out your compression. Its not going to fix itself by posting on pwctoday so get your hands dirty and break it open.


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wilmington, nc
If it's new parts, then it shouldn't just be stuck. I bought one once that a guy put together and said he just rebuilt it. The compression was about like yours. He must've forced the cylinder down on the piston and it scratched it. Maybe it was just random dirt getting caught. It scratched the cylinder the whole way up and the ring got stuck under a little knick in the top of the land.

It needed bored out and new pistons to fix it.

It is possible to run backwards, but a 2 stroke won't know. It'll still push out the exhaust and pull from the intake.


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wilmington, nc
Old motors get carbon build up and worn metal and the ring gets stuck. It needs pressure sprung out against the cylinder to keep compression.

I haven't read your post in a while and didn't feel like reading again, so I don't remember if your motor is new or not.
the motor has a fresh bore. i just checked the timing and it was perfect and the woodruff key was there and didnt shear. im thinking because it hardly spins with the stock 550 starter to just get the seadoo 580 starter and make sure the compreesion numbers r accurate
so today it finaly stopped raining and i got a chance to but the new seadoo 580 starter on...... it cranked over fast enought and got a compression reading of about 160+ in both cylinders! much better than the previous #s. also it almost started right away with no carb when i tested the new starter. i gotta mill the carb to fit my intake manifold tomorrow and install the 550 cable... then it SHOULD be up and running. ill post the results... will the 550 cable be easy to instal??? anything else i should do?
Have you worked on skies before,... not being insulting,... just would be helpful to know in directing you. How many comp. strokes did it take for you to get to 160? Does your fuel system still have the rev limiter on it? Are you still using the res. selector switch?
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