46 Blackjack on 701 Blaster

Philip Clemmons

Owner, P&P Performance
Richmond, Va

In your post on Full Specs, you said to Wax "if his (Eds) jetting didnt work I'd give up on them too".

I have tried Arts jetting and it doesnt work, and you are saying continue to try and get him.

Why the difference in opinion on these matters?


makin' legs
Yes, I tried to reach him with no luck. The owner of the boat had previously talked to him, and those specs were "way off"

I'd say give him a buzz. You might have to try a couple of times. This is the busiest time of the year. When you do get him, he'll be glad to help you out. Not just Art, but most competent tuners can get you squared away if they have the complete picture. I'm not knocking the previous owner or their tuning skills, but more times than not if a boat won't come into tune there are other issues. I've personally seen several cases where instructions are misunderstood or misinterpreted. Something like an overly tall prop that seems unrelated can keep a carb from responding to tuning input. You could also have worn throttle plates/shafts. Even though I'm the Jett appointed Jetworks spokesman/fanboy:biggthumpup: ,I'd say (ask Gil) the same thing about any other tuner. Go to the source before giving up.
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Creative RE Purchasing
call art, check the throttle shafts too. but here is my setup

Stock 62T cased 61x cylinder engine
B Pipe
Running 175lbs compression
Riva 62T single carb conversion manifold
46 BJ carb
OEM yamaha single flame arrestor
Flow valve
MSD enhancer ignition
Hooker 9/15 impeller

162.5 main
130 pilot
2.3 NS
95 spring to achieve 17-20lbs of pop off

1 1/4 low
1 1/8 high

I'm not 100% on the pilot jet, but pretty sure that is what I have in there. But I am like 98.5% sure.
Phil is our resident super tuner around here,If he cant get this BJ tuned I really feel for who ever tries next. I suspect something else is wrong with the ski,If not ill be getting rid of the BJ carb I have that I was going to go single with on the SJ

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I talked to ART a couple of weeks back about some port work on my 720 Doo engine,he told me to get everything else in line before screwing with the porting,make sure you have the correct pitch impeller,that the carb is tuned to a T,make sure the total loss is set up and timed correctly,then if it still needed more we could talk about porting.Not many tuners will do that,actually spend their time trying to talk you out of something you don't need,he has my respect and after riding a couple skis with his engines I know he knows of what he speaks,his stuff is off the hizzzzzzzzzzyyyyy.


Creative RE Purchasing
Not to threadjack, but how is that BJ on gas Oxnard?

i have not compared it to any other single carb on my ski, but compared to the dual 44's i had before it gets the same if not a little worse on the consumption depending on how many WOT or near WOT runs I do.

At the lake it was like 15-20% less riding time compared to my dual 44's.


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In your post on Full Specs, you said to Wax "if his (Eds) jetting didnt work I'd give up on them too".

I have tried Arts jetting and it doesnt work, and you are saying continue to try and get him.

Why the difference in opinion on these matters?

Did you get these specs directly from Art? Sounded to me like your buddy got specs and couldn't get them to work.
I'd be sure and talk to him about it personally.

I don't trust anybody to get things right. I've gone through engine problems way too many times where the other person swore up and down they did it right, only to have me find out it was faucked up beyond belief.
i dont get the worse fuel consuming on a single 46 over even dual 38s,much less dual 44s? whats up with that.We have a ski we switched out to a single 48 pwerbomb and it SUCKS fuel,it runs out 1/3 faster than the rest of us,we ride surf with a 15 slow wake so fuel time makes a big deal
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