550 takes forever to start

My 550 takes a good while to fire up and i dont wanna burn up my starter so id like to fix the problem. could it be old spark plugs? ive got some new ngks i need to put in just gotta get around to it. if that doesnt help should i look into a primer kit? if so which kind? i dont want one i gotta take my hood of for
also check the compression.

once its warmed up it starts fairly quickly, its just the first time it takes so long. would compression effect entire performance? the ski runs great just doesnt start that quick. also would the idle effect it? its a bit low, i did have it set to cut off when i let off the throttle so when i was learnign it wouldnt get away so much. i bumped it back up but i might need to go up more


Livin the generation gap
ketchikan alaska
We all have the first start problem, that is the way it is you will be very happy with a primer and be aware they will also flood easy so don't pump it to many times
as far as a compression test Dubs Chop's is right it will tell you the story about what you got for a motoer 5%-80% wore out haha

Dubs chops

livintit dot com
iv'e been told if it is taking forever to start then starting good after it is warm it can also be from the rings being worn out, the motor doesnt make enough compression to start untill it gets warm and the rings expand in the cylinder. but like i said i am no pro builder just what i heard. go ahead and give it a quick compression test it wont hurt anything.
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