FX-1 61x-scream


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
Holy crap, completely missed this thread. Wow thats a kick ass simple setup. Too bad I scrapped all those 61x bottomends I had laying around.


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
Just took a look at this again. Still gotta say, wow, props to your for slapping that on a $40 dollar set of cases.

How are you running your cooling setup? I could only see a few lines from the one pic.
Thanks man......This thing is running great! I've lost track of how many tanks of fuel have gone through it now. I've been so impressed by this thing that I just built a Dasa ss850 on X cases and I'm getting ready to run that and see how it works.

I have the cooling set up pretty standard, 2 stock size lines coming in and one line coming off head to cool the head pipe, then out pisser, and the other coming off the head and feeding into a tee going to the stinger and another pisser. In the cold weather this also feeds my hand warmers. I have to say, this motor runs very cool and provides very little hand warming compared to ny old stock 61x motor.
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