61x single 44 to WetJet 46 setup tuning

Hey all,

I just picked up a 46mm WestJet carb and Mani setup for my 61x. I currently have a stock 44 and Yami Mani on it tuned very nicely.

I was hoping maybe a few of you might have some experience with this upgrade and what might be required by way of jetting changes from one to the other? Hopefully might just save me a bit of time....

Current setup runs a 140 main, 130 pilot and a 2.0ns.
For future reference for anyone else doing this swap:

I started with an OEM 44mm on a 61x intake with the following, was jetted very well.

Main. 140
Pilot. 130
N/s. 1.5
Pop. 35 psi.
Screws. H 1.5 L 1.25 out

I ended up with, after a swap to wetjet manifold and 46mm carb. Also jetted very well.

Main. 150
Pilot. 135
N/s. 1.5
Pop . 35psi
Screws. H 1.5. L 1.5 out

Both setups using stock flame arrestor at sea level.
Nice, thanks for reporting back, my buddy just did this swap and I havent ridden with him yet but pretty sure he still needs to do some jetting, this will be a good reference. Did you add it to the jetting database?
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