650 not running right..HELP PLEASE!

Ok, so i took my ski out for the second time yesterday and out of the water it would run fine, i could rev it up no probs. Now i get it in the water and she would run good for a bit but then i would throttle up and it just did nothing. I could make it back in using very little throttle and thats it. I rode it with the hood off to see if there was any leaks or anything that looks bad and she run perfect, i put the hood back on to ride and she bogs down again and when i took it off exhaust would fill the compartment. If i had a little hole somewhere that leaked exhaust would the engine not be getting enough clean air? if you guys have any ideas or input that would be great. Ski is a 650sx
try taking the breather off and running it like that, and or look for anything leaks, im new to skis, but mine would do the same thing until i cleaned the breather, and carb but mine sat for 3 years so.. or the smoke from the exhaust could be the reason, fix the hole, and try again
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run it on the trailer with the hood off and try to locate where the smoke is coming from. you obviously have an exhaust leak. cheak the exahaut hoses, pipe, water box, etc..... its gotta be coming from somewhere.
Ok, i checked today and there is a leak on the hose from the stinger to the waterbox, ill fix that (although it gonna be a pain) and see if that will fix it
hose is hose. dont be duped into buying "kawasaki" hose.

some things are left better oem.

some oem things suck nutsack.

this one doesnt matter other than the ridiculous price.
Please, don't even try to use radiator hose for that application it will surely burn out! You don't need the oem hose but you should get hose suitable for wet exhaust from a dealer like West Marine or Boat US.
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