Super Jet 650 SJ B-pipe or anyother pipe

Do they make pipes for 650`s never see any for sale havnt really looked either but looking to maybe get one.
Or are they the same as for 701`s? what kinda pipe would you reccomend for it to?

they dont sell a b pipe specifically for a 650 however as long as you get the exhaust manifold you can run a factory pipe.. my buddy has one on his 650 square.. the only difference is the exhaust ports are bigger on the 701 so theres a small port mismatch..which will hurt nothing
Do they make pipes for 650`s never see any for sale havnt really looked either but looking to maybe get one.
Or are they the same as for 701`s? what kinda pipe would you reccomend for it to?

Like snowxr stated FPP did make 650 sn chambers, FPP no long produces the 650 chamber. They are shaped slightly different. I once in a while see them being passed off as limited 701 chambers.
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