650SX and X2 build

:brap:$75 and $90 for holds sound like a good deal to me if your not into making some. The hood mod is easy and makes all the difference in the world. I cut out all of the inner stock baffles and made 3 seperate pieces that would fit and just glassed them in. Then made intake holes in the rear of the hood, added a few hoses, and was ready to go. I'm yet to see or hear about a rideplate that entirely prevents the back end from breaking loose. Maybe you will though, sounds like you have a few combinations you can try. If that pipe is in good shape, I would put that in immediately. It will make a huge difference over the stock pipe. Keep up the good work.:brap:


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I'm yet to see or hear about a rideplate that entirely prevents the back end from breaking loose.

I don't mind the back end getting loose. What sucks is when it hooks back up. My old ride plate would get loose easy, but eased back into the hook up. This ride plate seems to hook up better, but is rough when it hooks back up and throws the ski over. I'm still trying it. I have 20 hours on the origional and 2 on this one, so I'm still giving it a shot.

I want to get that pipe on (need to get the laynard situation taken care of 1st) but I'm hesitant about having to play with the jetting. I've spent more time working than riding and I'm starting to get irritated with my ski. I don't mind working but when I get to the lake, Iit's time to ride.


havin fun
clearwater FL
I have a roundnose you can try. basically the same as a square. sending a PM, I have some other stuff I may be able to help you with.


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
That is an Ocean Pro bed plate. I have one just like it. There is one on eBay right now if you want to see what they sell for.

The carb is probably a Keihin 42mm. Measure it where it bolts down to the manifold. I know for a fact it is a Keihin but it could be a 40 or 38 mm as well.

The manifold it a 44 Mikuni SBN style. It has an adapter to make a Keihin bolt up to it. You could sell if for some decent money if you cleaned it up good. Looks to have built in stuffers.

Also I noticed UMI steering on that X2. It could pull you some money.

That PJS head could be machined to removed the pitts. Just besure you keep the studs for it. The PJS heads were thicker and required special studs. The stock ones are not long enough.

Looks like you have some good parts there. BUT.... They are going to need serious R&R. I suggest sand blasting and a hot bath like at a machine shop. Then some fresh powder coating and they will be brand new!

I recommend parting them all out. BUT... wait untl March, April, May of next year. This is when you will get the most money. Take the extra time and clean them good. You would be surprised what people will pay. I bet if you parted out everything and it was all cleaned up really good. You could have enough for a good used year 2000+ RN!

I used to have a 650 SX. I liked it but it just didn't have enough. I currently have two X2's. Next ski I get will be a stand up and it will be a RN. But I am with you, I want to ride one first to decide. All SJ's I have rode were SN's. And they didn't impress me at all. Felt similar to my 650 SX, underpowered but they did turn good. Just all preference.

Don't waste a bunch of money on a 650 SX because you think the parts are cheaper. It still becomes a money pit you can't get your money back out of! I did that to my 650 SX and I am still kind of doing that to the X2's. Sure you can put a 750/800 in it but it just isn't the same. I put a 750 in my 650 SX and it wasn't the night and day power switch I was expecting.

If you do foot holds, I would buy then. Sure they can be costly too but the fit and finish will be better. Fiberglass and epoxy adds up too!

I think you have a gold mine sitting there waiting to be had! Last year I bought an X2 just for the FPP on it. I paid 700 for the ski. Well I made out big time after parting it out and still keeping some parts I wanted. It was just that time of the year!
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
Right now, I'm debating if I want to abandon the 650SX build and go with an SJ. I could take my engine out, bolt on the pipe, drop it into the X2 and have a super nice X2. Take everything else, sell, and invest in an SJ. That's why I want to try the SJ and the X2. If I hate the X2, I'll keep the 650SX until I finish the SJ, if I love the X2, I'll get rid of the SX.

How much better would the high compression head be on my stock engine? It seems like it might be a lot of hassle and extra fuel costs for some extra power. Isn't that high compression head pretty rare? I heard it could pull up to $200.

I suppose I could just leave my SX as is, save the needed parts for the X2, build the SJ, then scrap the SX and build the X2. I REALLY like my stand up. It's a lot of work few people would bother with, but I was out in the surf yesterday and damn... it was just so much better than a sit down.

Edit: I'm just thinking why I would need an X2. I'm having a hard time thinking of a reason. I thought maybe the new girl would want to go out, but I bet 99 out of 100 girls I take out would rather ride my dads couch. I suppose it'd probably be a waste of my time. I think I'm just getting caught up in the "omg, I'm getting to build something" thing I normally do.
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Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Yep I got the "I need a second X2 for the girl" too problem. She still hasn't mastered it yet and keeps saying she needs a Sea Doo.... Sounds like I need a new girl.

That PJS head if not pitted would be worth 75-125 in my opinion. I sold one that was pitted on one side for 50 bucks last year from the X2 I bought for the FPP. It was pitted though. Most places will charge 75-100 to machine out the domes and resurface the head.

If you like your 650 SX, you will like an X2. They run and handle the same as a 650 SX pretty much but there is just something about them. Still though, I need another stand up! Just been a little too poor for a new SJ and the only reason I would buy another Kawie stand up would be to pull the engine (750 SXi Pro or 800 SXR) for one of my X2's.

Just don't get in over your head. Builds never end up being cheap! And when you are done you still have a 13+ year old ski!! But again congrats on teh find. I would have paid 100 bucks for all of those skis myself.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
The only thing that makes the SJ so good is the hull design, right? Could I drop my kawi 650 engine in a SN 650? I could probably find a hull. I'll find out for myself if I get to test ride an SJ, but I hear that the SX pourposes a lot more than other skis and doesn't hook up the same/as well.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I just got back in from more tear down on the engine.

The engine is shot. It really sucks that whoever had this before me was so retarded as to not leave the plugs in it. There is no problems with the exhaust or the intake, all of the water came in through the plug holes and now the entire engine is wiped. Still have some good parts from fly wheel, what I think is in Bendix (the internal part of the starter system), the starter works, and I easily got the studs out for the head.

I'll probably be selling that head with the studs. If the reeds are part of the set up, they'd go with it. Still debating.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I wonder how much it would cost me if I took mine to a shop and had them dupe it. hehe. i bet I'd be facing some charges. =X


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
Nah just make them a litle different. Ocean Pro is still around but almost clear out of the ski business. Ken is just selling of the rest of the inventory on eBay one ride plate, grate or head at a time. He is into building hot rods more.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I can't believe how easy adding a laynard to my ski is. I held off ebcause I thought I was going to have to wire all kinds of stuff. NO! It's the exact same thing as the stock switch except for the laynard button. It's set up so that when the laynard is pulled, it presses the stop button. It's not like a couch set up. I don't even have to install the switch. I just take off the stock cover, and put the laynard cover on top. I can't believe it's that easy. After all the bull I've had to mess with, this part is going to go on smooth.

Watch though... I wont be able to get the screws out of my switch, then they'll strip, get stuck on start, fire the ski, burn up the starter and keep the stop button from working and the engine will blow, just because, nothing can be easy.

The pic is the stock switch cover off a parts ski and the laynard switch cover off of a part ski. I can't believe these things are so expensive if bought new. Why can't they just sell the cover as an upgrade to the stock switch? Probably the same reason you have to buy a whole shock for a bad bushing. BS!!

And yes... I realize the stock switch (left) I put back together up-side-down. W/E!! I'm not using it anyway.



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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I got tied up repairing my ski. (Thanks for the part Tom!!) Replaced throttle cable, lever, added bar mounted bilge switch (all extra stuff from my parts skis!) and JBwelded the crack in my pipe.

I haven't gotten to continue working on tearing down the skis or playing with building anything (I STILL can't get the damned pole off the one ski).

I want to continue trying out all of these ride plates and intake grates I have. Can anyone confirm for me before I invest the time into trying to put them on.... Does the 650SX and the X2 use the same ride plates and intake grates? Will these just bolt right on? If so, I'm going to change some stuff out again before I go ride tomorrow.

BTW, anyone interested in a X2 project hull? I need to get rid of the 2 400's and an X2 soon. If someone wants to buy them I can include the parts. Otherwise, I'm going to strip them and offer them for free. If still noone wants, they go in the trash. I'd hate to do that to a piece of history, but I will need them out of the yard soon. Hoping to get a few $$ for the stuff for my SJ/X2 build fund.
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Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
3 more jet skis just showed up at my house. My mom is going to be PISSED when she gets home from vacation. At least I have a kawi engine with 150 psi in both cylinders now.

I now have 6 seats for kawi X2's. I can go riding 5 times, "forget" my seat and still have an extra. Muah hahahaha.

The "fleet" = 9 and 1 engine. wtf was I thinking? I have a sickness.

Some vintage Kawi's are going to meet a new style sawsall tomorrow. *mourn the poor kawis*
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if you want to sell that ocean pro bed plate id be very interested, but dont think i would be interested in buying it for 400 dollars..cant believe that

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