Super Jet 701 62t boring question


Frandsen works
In the hood wood
Ya I got an 02' 701 motor bone stock. In that case should I be doing something else?

You wont be able to bore cylinder to 84mm. The sleeves on the 61x cylinder are thinnner. I would check into one of the jetmaniac setups. They do a 717 kit that has great reviews and its affordable. He is on this site pm him for more info, im sure u wont be disappointed
take a look at this:

Group K "Most full-out racing SuperJet cylinders are fitted with larger cylinder sleeves that can accommodate 85.5mm pistons (781cc). The 781 setups works great, but they required engine complete teardown to bore the top-case, as well as the extra cost of sleeving. For our F800, we opted to bore the stock sleeves as far as was safe, thus avoiding the costs of sleeving and case boring. The maximum diameter limit of the stock sleeve is 84.5mm. Given this, we opted to bore to 84.0mm to allow us room for later over-boring (84.25 & 84.50). While the base sleeve (that sticks out of the bottom of the cylinder casting) gets very thin, it is still stable enough to endure the operation of a 7200-7300 rpm engine. One nice side effect of boring the stock sleeves to 84mm is improved cooling (a result of the shorter “steel” heat path from the piston to the aluminum casting)."


Frandsen works
In the hood wood
take a look at this:

Group K "Most full-out racing SuperJet cylinders are fitted with larger cylinder sleeves that can accommodate 85.5mm pistons (781cc). The 781 setups works great, but they required engine complete teardown to bore the top-case, as well as the extra cost of sleeving. For our F800, we opted to bore the stock sleeves as far as was safe, thus avoiding the costs of sleeving and case boring. The maximum diameter limit of the stock sleeve is 84.5mm. Given this, we opted to bore to 84.0mm to allow us room for later over-boring (84.25 & 84.50). While the base sleeve (that sticks out of the bottom of the cylinder casting) gets very thin, it is still stable enough to endure the operation of a 7200-7300 rpm engine. One nice side effect of boring the stock sleeves to 84mm is improved cooling (a result of the shorter “steel” heat path from the piston to the aluminum casting)."

This would also be a good affordable option with the power your looking for. You could also send your carbs well your at it!!!!!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
wrong a 62t cylinder can be safely bored to 84mm with 2 bores left............The 61x is 83mm max....
wrong, I ran at 86mm for 2 years until I lost a crank smart guy.

plus, the further you bore the cylinder the more you lower the port timing for better low end.
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Frandsen works
In the hood wood
wrong, I ran at 86mm for 2 years until I lost a crank smart guy.

plus, the further you bore the cylinder the more you lower the port timing for better low end.

WOW LOL okay smart guy!!!! I know that u can go past 85 mm on a 62t and also u can go past 83mm on 61x. Im just saying that i would not want to take a stock cylinder out to its last bore!!!!!! That would be a real brand new guy thing to do!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
85 mm is the most u can go on a 62t cylinder......The crank dose not matter...........What are u trying to accomplish?

It depends on your cylinder. A 61x and 62t 701 cylinders can go out to 83mm max, but add big bore sleeves, and you can build a 771 or bigger motor. A 62t 760 cylinder can be bored to 86mm, due to it's larger sleeves.

wrong a 62t cylinder can be safely bored to 84mm with 2 bores left............The 61x is 83mm max....

WOW LOL okay smart guy!!!! I know that u can go past 85 mm on a 62t and also u can go past 83mm on 61x. Im just saying that i would not want to take a stock cylinder out to its last bore!!!!!! That would be a real brand new guy thing to do!

you know we can read right? first you were wrong now you're lying about it. why don't you spread some misinformation in another thread for a little while. I think you've done enough here.
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Dont worry about the miss information, I am going to end up shipping the motor to Jetmaniac. talked to him and just by talking to him he made my decision on what company i am going to choose. I talked to Group k, because that was my first choice but hands down Chris at Jetmaniac has way better customer service and helpful with all my questions, and also was recommending different aftermarket parts, as where Group k wasnt friendly and wasnt very useful to me.


Frandsen works
In the hood wood
you know we can read right? first you were wrong now you're lying about it. why don't you spread some misinformation in another thread for a little while. I think you've done enough here.

I dont no who u think you are buddy!!!!!!!!!! All i was trying to do is help this guy out..And it looks to me like he went with one of the companys i suggested....I know the sleeves are big enough to go past what i said but i personally thinks its not a smart or a safe thing to do!!!!! So go harass someone else "smart guy" lol...


Frandsen works
In the hood wood
you know we can read right? first you were wrong now you're lying about it. why don't you spread some misinformation in another thread for a little while. I think you've done enough here.
<br><br>I dont no who u think you are buddy!!!!!!!!!! All i was trying to do is help this guy out..And it looks to me like he went with one of the companys i suggested....I know the sleeves are big enough to go past what i said but&nbsp; i personally thinks its not a smart or a safe thing to do!!!!! So go harass someone else "smart guy" lol...


Frandsen works
In the hood wood
that's right. I think Ronnie should have the camera ready for that one. And the caption will read " The legend makes time for the little people"

oh okay this is making since to me now!!!!! you guys must be "Good Friends". what a joke!.............The haters come n flocks i guess......This will be my last post on here for you keyboard warriors lol
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