Blaster 701 steering problem

We have two blasters one is the 760 and the other 701. 701 is smaller craft of course. a little less horses of course. the question is the 701 steers differently. doesnt corner real sharp and seems the steering is off to the left a little. steering bar itself. the wife likes to drive mine the 760 so this sh-t has to stop. The 701 response in the steering seems non responsive. is it just becouse its a different machine or what. they have different ride plates. Does thast make the difference. what part would help this? the 760 has a different ride plate is that what makes the difference? Thanks for helping the newbie..
There is something wrong with your steering as the blaster 1 turns alot more aggressive then the blaster 2 and you should be riding the b1, heaps more fun
does the tag on the skis actually mean anything like a vin on a car or truck. or are they just random numbers. but yeah the larger ski by one foot has the 760 and the small er ski has the 701mms_picture (10).jpgmms_picture (8).jpgmms_picture (12).jpg
but yes the cable is tight and there is no adjustment linkage for left to right just one cable to the back. so crap maybe its just the way that machines gonna run for now. thanks for the advice,
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