SX/SXi/SXi Pro 750 sxi too fast!


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
It may be "Light Switch" powerband like wavedemon said above. I have a 95 SXI and it does the same think. I have been riding stand ups for a while, but have never felt anything like this. Heardly any power down low till about half throttle, then rips your arms off. I have tried tuning the carbs, but can not change the power band. It has a factory water injected pipe and i have closed the bottom and middle screw and opened the top screw 1/2 turn to give it as much low end as possible (factory pipe recommendation). All jetting is per factory pipe for the pipe that i have. Still, no low end power. Any other advice beside just learn how to ride it would be apprecieate.

I had a motor that ran like that. After upgrading the carb and porting the case the hit was smoothed out and had easier to control power delivery.
So I bought my wife a 95 750sxi (wetpipe) and she's having the same issue. Maybe the op described his issue wrong (or right?) but with hers she will push the throttle a little 1/8 in and its fine, a little more and BOOM it takes off, theres no middle ground for this thing and that makes the response time all screwed up when trying to pull out of a jump. I had my local ski joint set the carbs to what wetpipe suggests and im pretty sure they tuned the pipe right. Any ideas on what to set the screws at to get more low end? For example "walkin the dog" or w/e is not possible with this thing bc it just takes off at 1/4 throttle.
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