750SX trim setup using X2 parts

First off, I want to say hi!! I've been trolling for a LONG time and decided to post some pics up of a few projects i've been working on with my 750SX. Check it out and let me know what you think!

So first, i got the nozzle. I flipped it. I shaved the little D portion near the brass fitting to get more UP throw. Then i trilled tiny holes and installed a spring system to keep it centered at rest, and idle. (springs will be replaced next week with slightly more tention, it's all I had atm)


Then I drilled out the trim ball to accept the cable I purchased. The cable will be looped through and clamped to attach it.


Then I flipped the ball for the steering (which I don't have a picture of). Then I test fit it. Everything bolted up just fine, but I wasn't happy with the clearance. So I cut the crap out of my tray so I had more throw.




Finally, tomorrow, I will be creating a bracket for the cable to mount to off of the pump, similar to this one posted by another member here.
(Note: my cable will actually loop THROUGH the ball and crimp back together)


Then I will make an extender for the steering. I am giong to take a small piece of aluminum, cut it to about 2-3" in length. One end will be drilled and tapped for the steering ball. The other end will be drilled, then have a brass bushing pressed in. I will use a shouldered allen bolt on the nozzle going through the brass bushing to hold it in place.
FINALLY, I will drill a small hole (using a LONG drill bit) from the back of the boat through to the engine compartment. I will insert a small piece of PVC through that, so that it sticks out about an inch on either end, then it will be glued in place using marine epoxy. I am going to get small plugs to cover the ends of the PVC, but make a hole in the plugs just large enough for the cable housing to go through. I may pack the tube with grease as well to keep water out of the hull.
I should have it COMPLETELY installed by mid week. I only spent a few hours today working on it, so as long as your parts are together, it's not a bad install at all.
OK! She's just about done and works great! Here is a few more steps of what I did:

So first, I Drilled a hole from the rear into the engine compartment. The rear turned out great.. the front.. well my aim was off lol. Here are the results:
(After I did this I sealed the 1/2" PVC pipe in place with 2 part white marine expoxy)



I made the cable and ran it from the bars of the ski, into the hull and out the PVC in the rear. I capped it with a rubber cap from autozone with the end drilled out for a snug fit for the cable:

Then I traced out a bracket on construction paper, copied it onto a piece of steel I had, then cut it out with a dremel and a soft pad:
(You can see the second cable adjustment screw here on the bracket)


Finally, I removed it all, painted the nozzles and the bracket ( to prevent rust) then bolted it all up! I still need to figure out how I can attach the cable. I realized that I want to be able to remove it without cutting the cable. So I am working on that one. Any ideas?


Knowing my luck the next video will be "How to nearly break your back attempting to backflip a 750sx" lol.

Still have more to do this week. New pole should be here Wednesday, as well as the new turf. Then it's final assembly time!


Back in the game!
Charlotte, NC
Where did you get the cable and any other hardware necessary for this? It seems like this could easily be duplicated on my X2.
Here are links to the parts:

Stainless 3500 Brake Cable MTN - http://www.jensonusa.com/Jagwire-Slick-Brake-Wire

Wire sheath - http://www.jensonusa.com/Jagwire-Brake-Housing-Roll25

Lever I used (you'll want two so you can have one cable adjuster for the pump bracket) - http://www.jensonusa.com/Diatech-MX-110-Brake-Levers

The springs were just picked up from a local bolt specialty place, fairly cheap (under $4.00). The Bracket I made. The PVC is just 1/2" from Lowes, I cut it after I figured out how much I wanted to stick out of the rear. The cap for the PVC is from autozone, listed as a breather bypass, then I drilled a hole in the top for the cable to come out. The X2 nozzle was an Ebay find.

I still need to make the steering extension, I'll do that this week sometime.
Agreed, I am concerned the bracket is thin as well. It gives a bit now with no force from the jet. I am going to cut a second one out of stainless I think later this week.

And hell yea it's a cheap ass trim lol. Here is a price breakdown:

$40.00 for the X2 nozzle on Ebay
$45.00 for the various cable parts
$3.00 for PVC pipe
Free - cable bracket on pump (I had scrap metal)
Free - Marine epoxy (Had it from replacing my pump shoe after sucking a rock...thats another story entirely though)
Free - Second brake cable adjuster (stole it off my road bike)
Free - Steering Cable Extension (being built out of spare metal at my house)
I've heard people say it's definately an "Off Season" build. I respectfully disagree. Nothing in this mod requires anything super extensive aside from drilling the main hole for the PVC tube. Literally, I started it on Saturday, and was pretty much finished Sunday evening. I worked a solid 4 hrs on Sat and the same on Sun.
My main goal was to be in this under $100 in parts. After buying some crazy long drill bits, springs and some other odds and ends I am right around $115 or so.

On my list this week:

1. Finish up my steering linkage install.
2. Install new PLC -3 Alum pole.
3. Re-install all steering components to pole.
4. New turf all around!
That makes sense Space.

I remade the bracket of thicker steel yesterday. Still working out the steering linkage. I made an aluminum extension yesterday, and that failed. Now I am just goin to use a 5mm coupler to hook the two rods together. It only needs to be extended about 1".
OK! So after some figuring, here is the new steering linkage extension I made:


This was picked up from True Value:
5mm threaded rod
5mm lock washers
5mm nuts
1" aluminum sleeve
5mm x .80 tap

Steering only needed to be extended roughly an inch. So I tapped the sleeve .5" one way and .5" the other to jam the two ends together. Then after threading .5" into the sleeve, i measured 1" from there (only .5" threads into the ball reciever) and cut the rod. There is my 1" extension. Feels strong, but we'll see how it performs under a load with the jet running.

One other thing I figured out, if you move the ball to the bottom of the nozzle, it completely removes the curve that happens when you use the trim. Straight up and down now :).

Below is a final video of the setup:

I also made a trim setup from an x2 nozzle i had about $135 in mine i used a trim cable that uses the steering ball spring conector.

This may end up being my only regret. The actual X2 cable is going to be MUCH stronger than the steel braided wire I used (mountain bike 3500 SS wire). My guess is I will snap this cable several times over, but it isn't too expensive so oh well.

Here are a few teaser pics before I finish the turf!



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