750SX trim setup using X2 parts

Thanks guys! I am hoping to have the turf buttoned up this weekend, and riding by April. Weather has been amazing (90 yesterday) but we are supposed to drop back down this week then work our way up again.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
OK! So after some figuring, here is the new steering linkage extension I made:


This was picked up from True Value:
5mm threaded rod
5mm lock washers
5mm nuts
1" aluminum sleeve
5mm x .80 tap

Steering only needed to be extended roughly an inch. So I tapped the sleeve .5" one way and .5" the other to jam the two ends together. Then after threading .5" into the sleeve, i measured 1" from there (only .5" threads into the ball reciever) and cut the rod. There is my 1" extension. Feels strong, but we'll see how it performs under a load with the jet running.

One other thing I figured out, if you move the ball to the bottom of the nozzle, it completely removes the curve that happens when you use the trim. Straight up and down now :).

Below is a final video of the setup:

The coupling nut that holds the stock X2 trim cable to the trim linkage is brass hex and works very well for this job. I did something similar to run a 650sx steering cable on my X2. I have since found that the SXR cable has enough throw that an extension is not necessary.

I'm running my X2 with a 650sx steering cable as my trim cable with a GP1200 trim mech in the hood. It lets me flip-flop between up and down trim. You would have to take a few steps back but you could do the same with a X2 trim cable and a GP1200 mech mounted in the engine compartment. I'm just having trouble finding a custom cable that will work with a bike lever. Don't want to use a lock nut.
I'm assembling my X2 trim system, the nozzle drops down ok but won't trim up because it's hitting part of the housing. Do I need to cut this "ear" off?

Can you look this over and make sure I have everything in the correct position. No up travel at all. I painted the piece silver that it hanging up on. You're saying don't cut or trim this piece?

Hey I apologize for my delay in getting back to you. I toyed around with running my nozzle upside down and whatnot but with the water ports it wouldn't work. I ended up taking a dremel to the pieces that bound up. It does have TONS more down than up. I don't have any pictures here at work. When I get home today I will snap a few for you. Shoot me a message if you'd like and I can give you my number to text or call me.
Cool. Got it. Are you using a lanyard type start/stop switch? My 750 doesn't have one. My ski does circles when I get separated from it. I think the "D" portion of the nozzle is what makes it does circles?
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