750sxi Porpoising

My Dad has a 750sxi and it is porpoising. Once on plane it just bounces. Right now it has an extended ride plate. Is this a known issue with 750sxi? Any easy remedy? He has tried standing way upfront in the tray, in center and at back. Is there any adjustment for the nozzle? Doesn't look like there is an adjustment but maybe we're missing something.

One thing we noticed is it looks like the nozzle is slightly angled down and maybe jet water/thrust is hitting the extended ride plate pitching the water upward rather than downward?


NE Tenn
Try putting a couple washers between the ride plate and hull on the two rear inserts.That will jack the plate down further in the water,pushing the nose down.Remove and/or add the washers until you get the ride you want
My old 750 was on rails you just gotta learn how to ride it. Watch the stance and positioning of some racers and copy it.

You may have a pump shim that angles the nozzle downward. This helps with porpoising
750s are notorious for porposing at speed, especially with bigger/ heavier riders, extended ride plates with spacers and the angle spacer for the reduction nozzle (angles the nozzle down) will reduce the porposing.
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