760 overheating?

Ive got a 701 bored to 760 that seems like its getting hot. When I feel the pissers (dual cooling) it seems very hot and I can only keep my hand there for a quick second. Water sizzles on the b pipe but not the head. I can put my hand on the block for 2-3 seconds without taking it off. This is all off of non-hard riding (the usual few jumps and high revving but mostly low rpms). The cooling line connected to the b pipe has a flow restrictor and sputters water. It will spew water but will not for a split second then go back to water. I currently dont know the exact temperature of water out of the pissers are but I will find out soon. Does this seem like the right temp or is it too hot?
Everything sounds about normal to me. I always feel the water coming outta the pisser. It should be warm but not burn your hand. In my experience a ski will tell you if its overheating. You wont have to guess.
A fella I know had a Blaster 61x motor with a similar water setup and same results. His outbound water was aimed up to make like a fountain stream, when you get moving along that stream is going past you and with a proper turn you get in the way of it...it was HOT...almost burn worthy if you allowed it to keep getting on you. He had a similar to Jetworks restrictor in his water line on the pipe too, might have been setup with too much spring tension against the little ball valve stopping the water for too long before opening causing it to almost boil. Whatever the reason, in the summer heat that was not fun...might have been nice in the fall though.
So I took my ski out a few days ago and forgot a thermometer but just said licorice it I’ll just watch out. I rode for a little (note it was a pretty hot day) and noticed steam coming from the pissers. I immediately took it to shore and the motor was HOT. A little bit of water sizzled off the head and touching it was almost burned me. I did some digging and found out that the orings melted to the head (which was why it was steaming). Did the orings melt because the motor was getting too hot? Or is this something that happens every once in a while? If the motor is overheating than how do I fix it (I already took the cooling lines off and there was no sand, seaweed, etc. in there)
Check your pump seal. If you're getting any cavitation or a loss in pump pressure that will translate into a loss of water pressure up your cooling lines too. Less pressure, less flow, less cooling.
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