Other 787 Garbage SBT crank

Hotrods are now a Chinese product from what I understand. It is just a name and now and has no business in a good motor if so.

i was on the phone last week w crnkworks and expressed how i didnt want hotrods on my crank
he told me the rods are now made in USA and are better than they were in past
may just be his way of saying your getting tiwian crank parts


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The last hot rod crank i bought was made in taiwan. I would rather have a SBT crank than a Hot Rods crank. Much cheaper and at least same quality if not better. I have had good luck with SBT cranks, even in high compression Dasa engine.. Of course a real OEM is gonna be best.

You guys wanna hear something funny?
Did you know that SBT makes crankshafts for Yamaha for their warranty replacements? hahahaha:D

Now my 1st experiences with the early SBT in 1995 and 96 was horrible, and swore I would never use them again. They have came a long way since then, just sayin. It is what it is..
i got one of those yamaha sbt cranks once as a good will from yamaha
it lasted 45 min before the rear bearing cage cut through the rear crank seals
was in a gpr 1200
I was thinking about buying an sbt 701 61x engine to demote my 6m6 to back up status this winter as my one yearly upgrade. Am I better off buying a used oem engine and going through it myself still? Cannot afford to do it twice!


Squarenose FTW
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used OEM is better than SBT IMHO
But I have been running and SBT crank for 3 seasons now in my freestyle motor with no issues
Just dont use SBT seals!!!
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