86.5mm Pistons?


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
I've searched & found references to these but no info on where to get them. Anyone know?:sneaky: I'd prefer ligtweight forged pistons but Wiseco will only do a minimum run of 6, with setup charges.:frown:


Just Havin' Fun!
Orange City, FL
I bought a "very" used Wamilton's big bore, it was already at 86mm, and at the service limit on looseness already. When I replaced the head o-rings the pistons seemed pretty loose.

BTW I knew it was 86mm, but not that loose. I did get a fair price for it though.

It's a Greater Yamaha girdled head currently running Pro-X domed pistons. Yeah, I might be able to run Wisecos w/just a hone job. I don't know how the flat top RIVA's would work with the porting. I'd need new, smaller domes for sure.

Don't know if it'll go 86.5, the sleeve does look thin. There is epoxy poured into the bottom of the water jacket to strengthen the cylinder.


Matakana Menace
I am ordering a set of sleeves from Northwest sleeves. They said they sell a sleeve for the 86.5. I did some research and at a stock stroke thats 799cc?

Is this setup recomended of should i go with the 790cc?

Check with Riva first, I heard they were not going to carry the 86.5 pistons anymore after they sell out what they have in stock...

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