SX/SXi/SXi Pro 88 spark?


Kansas City, MO
A friend just bought this ski off some guy for 300 bucks. Its an 88 650 with a westcoast pipe. I stuck a screwdriver in the plug caps while cranking and tried to arc spark and there is definately nothing...

I know nothing about the KAWIs....where to start?

any help is appreciated....


thanks darin...noswad!
Check all connections in the ebox, and test stator for proper resistance. If it still won't spark, then swap in a known good coil. Most problems are bad wire or connections, but the coils do go bad from not grounding the plugs when cranking. And cut back plug wires and look for broken wire.
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i had the same problem with my 650 first what i would do is take the boots off the spark wires and cut back the wire make sure there is about a half an inch of wire sticking out. out the boots on again then test for spark. if that doesnt work check your connections in the e box if you dont have any current running through the wire see if there is pulse comming out of the stator cables. my problem was the stator all i had do do was switch it and it ran great good luck
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