89mm BIG Bore 62T cylinder


makin' legs
The first bore is 88.5mm, and the final bore is 89.0mm.
Seems pretty short sighted to me to start your big bucks cylinder with only one bore left. Pistons ain't gonna be cheap either. With good oil you still won't get much more than one long season out of a set of the pistons. The skirts on Wiseco's will most likely have collapsed enough to need changing even if the bore is ok.
Good point. That is alot to spend on a two season motor, though if the bore stays clean it could go much longer.

Plus you have to run Seizco, witch makes it that much worse.
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lone wolf
without added stroke i would expect the pistons to hold up pretty well.this is exactly the kind of motor i would be intrested in
The price does seem pretty fair when you compare it to what you would spend building a stroker..... i guess you would just have to hope the bore stays clean for a long time, or you will be having to put another set of sleeves in it.

What a difference between piston size!


the ada and dasa cyls run that big of pistons whats the reliabilaty of that size pistons for them?
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I would imagin a stroker would be harder on the pistons than a std stroke.are these pistons custom made or the same ones that are used in the ada and dasa motors?


moto - dirt/h2o
melboring, Fl
Seizco is a name that they received many years ago, they seem to have fixed their problems... for the most part (even though 2 smoke dirt bikes are still spinning rings!)
if klemm makes it then i'm sure it's reliable as he's known for his conservatism and longevity of his setups.
i don't understand the fpp manifold deal.i matched a 61x to a 62t cylinder and all is pretty close.only bolt hole dia is different and minor matching of the port is needed.
what am i missing?


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
If you're starting with a piston size of 88.5mm and only going too 89mm the sleeve O.D. would probably be around 93mm making the sleeve 2mm thick and the cylinder aluminum casting on a 62t would only be around 3.45mm thick, if it not corroded from salt water.

Since the 61x cylinder only has 98.2mm before going into the water jacket area it would be completely impractical and the 62t cylinder measures 99.9mm making it not much better.

There would be very minimal room for machining a counterbore and keeping the sleeve from dropping unless you make the flange wider then the actual casting similar to the Watcon BB sleeves.

Also the transfer port tract would be smaller then the actual port time area making this cylinder unable to flow well without real extensive porting.

It just doesn't seem like a good idea when big bore sleeves already range from 90mm to 91mm in outside diameter and have piston sizes from 84mm to 86.5mm; these new super sleeves are going to have only one overbore before hitting the scrap pile.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
It just doesn't seem like a good idea when big bore sleeves already range from 90mm to 91mm in outside diameter and have piston sizes from 84mm to 86.5mm; these new super sleeves are going to have only one overbore before hitting the scrap pile.

Its a great idea if you in the business of selling sleeves and pistons.:thewave:


makin' legs
if klemm makes it then i'm sure it's reliable as he's known for his conservatism and longevity of his setups.
i don't understand the fpp manifold deal.i matched a 61x to a 62t cylinder and all is pretty close.only bolt hole dia is different and minor matching of the port is needed.
what am i missing?

I'm not saying that your statement isn't true, but the main reason he's known for this is because he says it. A lot. I wouldn't consider a $1600 big bore cylinder with one bore left very conservative. I have nothing personal against groupK, but I've found some of their ideas on motor stuff to be a good bit different than what I've experienced in real life. Total loss ignitions, oringed heads, and non-bombsight carbs just to name a few. I'd be curious to hear how it works out after a season or two.
all i know is that is stuff usually is not top race performance but it usually is reliable.
whether this particular combo is worth it or not remains to be seen but odds are if someone with 1/2 brain buys it and barring any %$^#&$ups,it should work as advertised.
i've seen plenty of his stuff over the years and it's all been pretty good imo.
can someone enlighten me on the fpp manifold deal?
he's talking jigs etc...i just don't see the need for all that but i might be missing something?
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