If you're starting with a piston size of 88.5mm and only going too 89mm the sleeve O.D. would probably be around 93mm making the sleeve 2mm thick and the cylinder aluminum casting on a 62t would only be around 3.45mm thick, if it not corroded from salt water.
Since the 61x cylinder only has 98.2mm before going into the water jacket area it would be completely impractical and the 62t cylinder measures 99.9mm making it not much better.
There would be very minimal room for machining a counterbore and keeping the sleeve from dropping unless you make the flange wider then the actual casting similar to the Watcon BB sleeves.
Also the transfer port tract would be smaller then the actual port time area making this cylinder unable to flow well without real extensive porting.
It just doesn't seem like a good idea when big bore sleeves already range from 90mm to 91mm in outside diameter and have piston sizes from 84mm to 86.5mm; these new super sleeves are going to have only one overbore before hitting the scrap pile.