SX/SXi/SXi Pro 92 750sx sounds like a carb problem can you help me

so recently my 750 will idle fine abut when i hit the gas it like bogs out dosnt stall. ive cleaned out the carb.. carb rebuild.. new gas. new plugs and still cant get it .. my high speed nedel is at about 7/8 of a turn out should i try turning it down more??? anyone else had this problem and know what it needs to fix it?? thankyou!
Dont know your riding conditions but I had a similar problem on my 650sx when I took it to cooler water than it was tuned for, opened up the high jet slowly until it ran great...good luck.


Start with the easy stuff, Check for Cracks Breaks Blockages in Fuel Lines, Pulse Line, Fuel pickups Gas Cap, Gas Tank. verify your Gas tank check valve is working. Your tank should be able to hold pressure (Guys correct me if i am wrong) 5 PSI min. and like 97 said Good Luck, and be patient, and through..
i have vids of it just not sure how to will slowly as i pull the throttle start to wind up then it like start like bouning dosent sound like bog though.


As I recall most kits have several springs in them, did you use spings from the Kit or reuse your old ones? Also are running an aftermarket Flame arrester?
X2, trimming the wires can work wonders. Mine had almost a full inch of crappy wire I had to cut off the first time I did it. I was amazed it even ran
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