92 square nose leaking water

I have a 92 square nose that has been taking on a bit of water, seems like I can go out and cruise around for about 30 min doing nothing crazy just easy lake riding and when I get back to shore I can run the bilge and get about 20 seconds of good flow which seems like a lot of water for just easy riding. Got the ski back home, found a little rock plugging the hole next to where the discharge line for the stock siphon discharges which I’m guessing wasn’t allowing flow by the siphon to suck out the water. Next I found the lower exhaust boot clamp was complete loose and flopping around, my question is should there be water flow inside the boot that would cause a leak into the hull? I’ve looked online and can’t find a definitive answer.
Could be a lot of things. If you have the ability you can strap the ski to the trailer and idle it to see if you can see if water is coming in from any of the cooling lines. A poor hood seal seams to be common and can lead to injested water but that does not sound like it's your culprit.
The Stock Pipe is a "Dry Pipe", which means it is double-walled or has a water-jacket.

The Big Rubber Boot makes up the Outer Wall of the Head Pipe.

So the big Rubber Boot covering the Head Pipe, between the Exhaust Manifold and the Chamber, carries Cooling Water under pressure.

So the Cooling Water circulates right underneath that Rubber Boot. And yes, it will leak into the Engine Bay if either of the two Clamps are loose.

The Exhaust Hose from the Exhaust Stinger to the Water Box also carries Water. Don't want that loose either.
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