93 Blaster no power

I havent seen one in a couple of years because everybody removes them but I believe its on the TOP surface of the head ! with 2 wires going to it ., just disconnect it or cut the wires , it then wont know it there .
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toronto canada
i would check a few things first compression, fuel filter, cut back spark plug wires, if your overheat sensor kicked in it would run bad on trailer, the overheadt sensor just cuts down the revs somethiiing like 2500 rpms max
It runs good on the trailer because there is no load on the drivetrain. When you put it in the water the pump loads up the engine.

It could be poor spark, bad fuel or carb adjustment. Those are the most common but it could be several other things.

I would check the above first before tearing down the elec box to disconnect the overheat sensor.

Is this a new problem or is this a new ski to you and now you are trying to track down the problem?
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this is a new ski to me. 173 and 172 psi comp. replaced fuel checked and verified timing at factory setting, seems like lose off power is comparable to dual carb set up with broken linkage and runs on 1 carb if that makes any sense.
You mention dual carbs but a 93 should be a single carb unless its been upgraded. One way to test if its weak on one cyl it to gound out each plug wire and try running on one cylinder. If one is running bad already when you disconnect the good one it likley wont even run out of the water.

It also could be dirty carbs if you dont know the history. Just because you put fresh gas in it does not mean the carbs are clean. You can usually tear down and clean without the cost of a rebuild kit just to check it all out. Also could be broken reeds.

If you suspect weak spark on one cyl do like they said earlier and get new plug caps and cut back the wire.

If you get to where you want to disconnect the overheat sensor just pull the e box apart and pull the 2 wires that go to the sensor out. Pink and black I think.
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Yo hablo ingles
was this blaster sitting for a long time before you bought it? if so, just rebuild the carbs now and save yourself the headaches of trying to chase down a strange problem.


freeride junkie
north palm beach
It also could be dirty carbs if you dont know the history. Just because you put fresh gas in it does not mean the carbs are clean. You can usually tear down and clean without the cost of a rebuild kit just to check it all out.

i would start here if you just got the ski. also fresh plugs and of course clean the entire fuel system.
that eliminates any problems with fuel.
I picked up a '93 Blaster a month ago and chased down an intermitent "no power" problem to a faulty plug wire. Pulled off the OEM cap/spring, cut back an inch or so for new wire and as I cut back on the rubber to expose the wire core the wire strands pulled out. Cut back another inch, found good wire, installed some MSD Caps and that was it.
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