97 gsx 787 HELP PLS

Im working on a 97 gsx and the guy was having issues with one of the 5amp fuses blowing out..so he put in a 15 and blew the mempin ( ecu ). I was able to get a 1yr newer ecu cheap
a 98, all the plugs fit and looks the same other than the plugs being in different locations.
When i hook up the batt nothing blows out like before, but with the key out or in its a non stop beep. Can someone give me some insight, i do understand the key will need to be reprogrammed for the ecu but even with the key out its a constant beep? Is it the new ecu or is this beep telling me something else? Thanks,, also this ski had a bad trim motor it was replaced. All connections look perfect and the overall motor bay looks very,very clean. Id hate to buy the 97 ecu for 300 bucks more to find it does the same thing when i could of used the 98 ecu.
I know it needs to be coded for the new mpem, and it hasnt yet. The part i find weird is when the lanyard is off and i put the batt conection on it non stop beeps then i put the lanyard on it beeps twice then non stop beep once again. Is that normal? And yes the only thing i got was the new ecu the lanyard assembly is the same.
Press the start/stop button 5 times, with out the lanyard off the post. You should hear two beeps (one long, one short), and see if there are any error messages on the display. Also, is the maintenance light on?

Also you may get more help on greenhulk.net. It is more for sit down jet skis. They have a pretty big older 2 stroke SeaDoo section. Some people on there, may be able to help you better. Also i am attaching a SeaDoo diagnostic code list.



  • Seadoo diagnostic-codes_770.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 39


V watch your daughters V
Waterford, MI
Having the fuse blow sounds like the common thing for a bad trim motor or VTS housing. Are you sure both are good? I've seen dozens of people change the VTS and keep the old motor (because they thought it was fine - it wasn't. too much amp draw) and continue blowing fuses or even burn up the new VTS housing's electronics.
I tested the trim motor, before anything and it was frozen. So i replaced it, ur right the modual behind it could be gone. But before i go any further
id like to get the ski running. Iv had bad trim setups before on these skis and i was able to unplug them and still have the ski run. With the old ecu in when i was figuring out the issue i worked from the back of the ski to the front unpluging main conections to c what would stop blowing the fuse..
The only thing that would stop blowing either the fuse in the relay box in the rear, or up front on the ecu was when u disconectd
the stator connection on the front of the cover..once pluged back in one of those fuses would blow. So i thot the stator?? Then i talked to my bud John
(jetskihaven) and he lead me onto the ecu, which also could be the issue. Alls he had was a 98 ecu not a 97. Both skis are 787 and have the same trim, but par # on the ecu's are diffrant, could be the 98 has the plugs located in diff spots for fitment?? But there is only one way all three big plugs
would fit.

Ill try that pushing the start/stop buttons as suggested to see what happens in a little bit, ill let u know what i find. Thanks guys for the help so far!

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Have you disconnected the temp sender, they are known to go bad and when they do they beep constantly, disconnect the temp sender wire from the temp sender on the head and see if your beeping goes away.
Ok ill try that next. Well today i did the 5 hits of the start/stop switch and the non stop beep goes away for 60 sec and restarts..makes no diff
if the tether is in or not. I put the old ecu back in for haha's just to recheck myself and soon as i do the mpem 5amp blows out still. Like i said before the only way it will not blow out is if the stator conector is unplugged...its got to be the ecu right? not the stator itself? Another thing i did notice that made me a little happy was when the new/used ecu was in..the one i just got in alows the trim to go up and down..but only when i hit the start/stop butten 5 times to stop that non stop beep for 60 sec??
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