99 Superjet runs out of fuel at full throttle?

I have a '99 Superjet that seems to be running out of fuel at full throttle. It will act like you're basically letting off the throttle and go as if it were only 3/4 or sometimes even 1/2 throttle. I took off all the fuel lines and made sure they were clear by blowing through them, the tank is clean, the water separator seems okay.

The ignition coil was replaced not too long ago. I think I also checked the tank vent valve but I'll check it again. Should I just rebuild the carbs again? I don't know if the carb. diaphrams are worn out, I disassembled the carbs before and the filters looked clean but I didn't replace the diaphragms.

Any ideas? It's a stock ski. Thanks!
Change your fuel lines. Are they original? I had an airleak in mine once, did the same thing. Replacing diaphragms is also a good idea, they are the biggest wear item in your carb.
Yes, original fuel lines. I didn't even think of the overheat sensor, I'll check that out as well. Thanks for the ideas!
Dbl check the duel vent check valve, will do that if the check valve is stuck closed. The check valve is to allow air into the tank but not out, arrow on check valve should point towards the tank. You should be able to blow through it in direction of the arrow, not the other way.

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