ADA Girdled Head BR8HS Spark Plugs?

Through searching the forums it looks like ADA girdled heads call for an ES rather than the shorther HS thread. Has ADA ever made a head that requires HS plug (shorter shaft)? Is there any reason why HS would be used rather than ES? Is there any harm in running HS plugs?
No serious harm, just 20 psi lower compression.......
Thanks. Would 20 psi make the difference between pump gas and racing fuel? PSI I think was 150 when I did compression test.

My question maybe be an oversimplication based on other threads I've read but figured might as well ask.
i got cases of HS plugs and just started running those instead of ES on the advice of senor. been using HS the last 2 days with my 2mm over 701 ported motor and ada head 190 psi . I notice no difference and it rips like always. short reach plug will lose you a couple CCs in the dome and that will lower compression a few lbs.
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