advance the time with msd enhancer


Katie's Boss
100% one place
Don't know what you mean by kick back but mine is advanced 2 mm running the MSD enhancer. Don't know why you would run race has.



Hi Ho Silver!
Birmingham, AL
I am certainly no expert, but I know from first hand experience that if you run an MSD enhance and advance the timing too much at the stator, you are headed for trouble.


You can do it but you better consider some race gas and limit your WOT time You also better have your carbs tuned right and not too lean on the main at 185 psi. I have been running an enhancer with 4 deg advance at 210 psi on 110 octane for over a year and no problems so far. I do very little WOT and no signs of deto yet. It is a risky situation and depends on your whole setup, tuning, and riding style. Do you feel lucky? This is approaching the line, as long as you don't cross it you will be ok.
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