Advancement of our sport

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
I have been thinking of this for some time now. Our sport is begining to grow once again, but in its growth we are facing challenges reguarding the Law Enforcers. I want to change this, and im sure the rest of you do also. I really belive that the only way we can change it is by getting bigger and having corporate america support us like it does for the rest of the motorsports. Petes sponsorship with ECKO is exactly what i am referring to. We all need to work and get our sport in the eyes of these big famous companies. My personal goal is to get in contact with FOX RACING and try to convince them that this industy has something for them. The reason that i am going to try to get Fox interested in our sport is because 1) The headquarters are 10 minutes from my front door. 2) They are the world leader in MX and other motorsports. I am NOT going to push for a personal sponsorship, instead i am going to present them with the sport as a whole. I want to show them pictures and video of some of the top pros in the industry. What i need help doing is making a portfolio. I want to have a short high quality video of top riders, with some great pictures. If anyone has anyhting or can help me, that would be awesome!! Maybe we can make a few of them and have different riders in the country focus on large companies inthe motorsports industry. What do you all think?


Boycotting Winter.
San Marcos, TX
Show them videos from FullGaz... it seems that the European FreeRide meets always have some huge corporate sponsors. "IFWA Spain" video might be the best, it shows some huge tricks and some of the lifestyle that goes on with the ride.


Years ago Fox Racing used to have a watercraft division. I think its been about 10 years since they offered jet ski suits, etc


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
We should at least make "The Ocho"! ESPN8

:haha: :haha:

I had a fox wet suit in like 1992. Neon pink and yellow, HOT!! HAHA

It may be hard to get a company like that back into something, they droped their watercraft line because of poor sales. That was when the Bud tour was big. But I do not discourage your efforts. Get them onboard!


Louisville, Ky
A buddy of mine works for a huge dealership in this region called S&S Powersports. They recently attended a boat show in town and my buddy (head watercraft mechanic) said that they had at least 6 people approach them at the show asking about stand up watercraft b/c they saw some guy on a copper and black boat down on the river "doing flips and spins". :Banane01: I have had several guys approach me on the boat ramp asking me where in I bought my ski from b/c they can't find stand ups anywhere. We may have talked the dealership into carrying 1 SXR's for next year :cheer: I don't think they do Yamaha at this point but I am pushing him to venture down that route. Even have some freeride vidoes playing in the back ground of the parts dept!!!! :purr: I might achually do a side "business"/service on working on local boats. I am installing footholds in a guy's boat right now and assembling a engine package for him. Since I have started riding I know of at least 5 people that have purchased stand ups :woot: And coincidently show up down at the ramp the same time I do :biggrin:


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
A buddy of mine works for a huge dealership in this region called S&S Powersports. They recently attended a boat show in town and my buddy (head watercraft mechanic) said that they had at least 6 people approach them at the show asking about stand up watercraft b/c they saw some guy on a copper and black boat down on the river "doing flips and spins". :Banane01: I have had several guys approach me on the boat ramp asking me where in I bought my ski from b/c they can't find stand ups anywhere. We may have talked the dealership into carrying 1 SXR's for next year :cheer: I don't think they do Yamaha at this point but I am pushing him to venture down that route. Even have some freeride vidoes playing in the back ground of the parts dept!!!! :purr: I might achually do a side "business"/service on working on local boats. I am installing footholds in a guy's boat right now and assembling a engine package for him. Since I have started riding I know of at least 5 people that have purchased stand ups :woot: And coincidently show up down at the ramp the same time I do :biggrin:
Find those stand up riders and start your own club. We now have a few dozen here in the St. L area. Any time any of us see a new face we get their # or give out the web sight . What also helps we have riders that work at 3 or 4 different dealerships. I was surprised how willing "newbees" are looking for other jet skers. Its a good thing!


Louisville, Ky
Find those stand up riders and start your own club. We now have a few dozen here in the St. L area. Any time any of us see a new face we get their # or give out the web sight . What also helps we have riders that work at 3 or 4 different dealerships. I was surprised how willing "newbees" are looking for other jet skers. Its a good thing!

Got a call from my buddy tonight to see if me and some other locals would be interested in doing a freestyle exhibition at a hydroplane race in July. :woot: Might even see if we can coordinate with the dealership to do some high speed passes on the RXP's and maybe get a couple boats to throw a double up :Banane01: :Banane01: That would be great!! Now I just have to work on the backflips


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
Yep, i actually have an old wetsuit made by fox! haha
Forget the suit and tie... Wear that when you go talk to them!!!

Sorry I got nothing for ya... A power point deal might not be bad... pictures/small clips/stats of different things....

Good luck and keep us updated!!!

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
i also want to find out how many PWCs were sold in the last 3 years, how many people competed in the last 3 years and any other statistical data i can find.


just one buddy is a pro freeride mountainbiker who has rode for fox for three seasons pretty sure they had some big budget cuts recently..mabye just in the mtb department or mabye company wide..just letting you know
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