Advancement of our sport



Is he still with FOX? can you get him to get us any contacts?

yea he is but hes worried theya re gonna fire him (he got hurt last season) and he got fired from his bike sponsor..ill see if he can get some names...i do know they have seperate marketing managers for each sport so im not sure who would be best to talk too..heres his website there are some cool pics in the gallery
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Stock Sucks
White Lake MI
There are alot of people Me included that actually ride wearing dirt bike gloves and freeride dirtbike pants. Try and maybe work that angle that they wouldnt even really have to come out with too many new products at first just new marketing.


615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
A buddy of mine works for a huge dealership in this region called S&S Powersports. They recently attended a boat show in town and my buddy (head watercraft mechanic) said that they had at least 6 people approach them at the show asking about stand up watercraft b/c they saw some guy on a copper and black boat down on the river "doing flips and spins". :Banane01: I have had several guys approach me on the boat ramp asking me where in I bought my ski from b/c they can't find stand ups anywhere. We may have talked the dealership into carrying 1 SXR's for next year :cheer: I don't think they do Yamaha at this point but I am pushing him to venture down that route. Even have some freeride vidoes playing in the back ground of the parts dept!!!! :purr: I might achually do a side "business"/service on working on local boats. I am installing footholds in a guy's boat right now and assembling a engine package for him. Since I have started riding I know of at least 5 people that have purchased stand ups :woot: And coincidently show up down at the ramp the same time I do :biggrin:

Talk them (dealers) into carrying something B/A like a WDK boat. The aftermarket Skis can be the future of this sport if dealers support them. Yamaha has shown they have no intrest in marketting the SJ's perion. They pulled out of racing & Freestyle sponsorship. I am sure WDK, WCF, 24/7, XFT and more would be interested in setting up dealer costs. What can they make for a retail $8k ski instead of $6k for 10 year old tech..


Old school -not by choice
Twincities, MN
If fox gets involved with PWC, I will buy some of their cargo bike pants.... I wanted some and was going to go the dirtbike route anyhow...

So you can tell them that the great "djyox" is willing to buy ONE (1) pair of pants!!! Yeah that should push them over the edge....

norcal ex

San Jose, CA
If fox gets involved with PWC, I will buy some of their cargo bike pants.... I wanted some and was going to go the dirtbike route anyhow...

So you can tell them that the great "djyox" is willing to buy ONE (1) pair of pants!!! Yeah that should push them over the edge....

haha SWEET! we are in for sure now!
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