aftermarket reeds

The Timmer

killin sj's
metro detroit
what are the best aftermarket reeds out there and what would i need to use these i prefer to use the same housing as the stock and just replace the pedals but if i can get more reliability off the stuffers and housings than i will

thanks timmy


Not After Fame & Fortune
Reeds - The stock Yamaha reeds and cages have consistently outperformed any aftermarket reeds we have tested. Some aftermarket reeds can offer better power for 20 - 30 operating minutes. However after that amount of time the material "looses its memory" or begins to chip. As this happens, the performance of these weakened aftermarket reeds becomes worse than stock.
Aftermarket reed stuffers offer a noticeable improvement in overall acceleration. We consider them to be a good horsepower value and recommend the aluminum Boyesen stuffers for these engine packages.

from group K's web site.
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