Super Jet Air leak !!! Where should I start lookiing ???

Richen the carb enough that it's at least closer to an idle, and spray some quickstart (ether) around places you suspect leaks. If there's a leak, it'll suck the quickstart in and the RPM will shoot up for a couple seconds. You can do this with other things that'll drop the RPM, like WD40, but I find that quickstart works best, and it's easier to notice the RPM come up like that. Make sure none of it is getting to the intake or it'll rev up even if there isn't an air leak. Also make sure where you're working is well ventilated cause that stuff is freaking volatile.
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Braap Certified
Blue Springs, MO
I like to use a propane torch to find an air leak. Just take a small propane torch and open it up, DON'T LIGHT IT, and just move it around slowly in some of the areas it might be sucking in air. If there is a leak, it will drop the RPMs down.


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
that starting ether trick sounds like a good way to blow yourself up!

Yes, very good way to blow yourself up, or burn down your ski at the least. I've seen it before, with brake clean actually. I was watching a fellow auto tech look for a vacuum leak when the liquid found a 'leaking' spark plug wire. By this point, there was plenty of brake clean all over in see where this is going.

I like to use a propane torch to find an air leak. Just take a small propane torch and open it up, DON'T LIGHT IT, and just move it around slowly in some of the areas it might be sucking in air. If there is a leak, it will drop the RPMs down.

Much better option. If this lights, it goes poof and is for a few singed eye brows.
turn your idle down until the lines/cars are clear of air....the higher the idle the better the chance it will run away...and use your primer to keep it rich until you get the air out too...also in case your running on same fuel circuit as primer is tied in, air in primer lines can cause a lean condition... try that and report back ok ?


Fixed !!! After taking carbs off and manifold off and inspecting gaskets everything looks good. I put everything back together and was same runaway. But I noticed batterflys open bit too much. Tryed to adjast it with screew but still was open. Had to readjast throttle cable in bracket, loose it a bit and everything back to normal - no air leak. Thanks everybody for input
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