Custom/Hybrid Air Square


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
It takes a lot of layers criss-crossed to make it strong with a wet layup IMO. And i've tested mine multiple times. I'd love to weigh it once I get it put back together again.


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Hey man the build is looking awesome! Im having a really hard time convincing myself to move the pole mount forward.. how bad was it? how much glass are you using to make it strong enough? The stock location looks pretty damn thick!

Not sure how thick it ended up, I have not cut holes for the pole bracket yet. As far as work it was easy just time consuming (5ish days). Had to foam fill the nose (cure a day), shape foam into the mold and laid cabosoi on the mold/foam to make ridged for epoxy rolling (cure a day), laid 6oz s-glass glass and 12oz biax glass on the outside of the mold (cure a day), hacked out the foam mold and sanded away the cabosil to true up for the backing plate, filled the cavity which was created on the inside when I lowering the mounting area 2" with a heavy mixture of chopped glass and cabosil. This area is also where I'm also going to dowel the hood and should add good torsion support for the pole bracket (all that took about 2 days). Once pockets filled and cured I laid 4 more layers of 12oz biax. Is it strong enough? not sure... I'm running a super stiff XMW pole and bracket and the stock location flexed a good bit so I not counting on a completely solid mount but if needed I can always add more layers.

The hood is taking a bit longer to complete than I thought. Hoping to have progress pics Friday. Its 85 degrees and I want to ride!!


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
Got the boweye mounted, and PFP and fuel cell inserts glassed in. Now just to work on sanding the nose and hood before paint. Maybe 3 weeks until water if freetime allows


Yes, my balls tickled from that landing
Charlotte, NC
You 'could' but it wield look ugly. It would just be a hole in the top if the hood going into the liner and water you enjoy finding its way into your engine bay. The idea is to keep water out and let air in thus why I relocated it
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