aluminium mod chamber vs carbon chamber


Flipping Around !!!
From people that i talk everybody told me that the best pipe for my engine is factory b with mod chamber....>>>>
ported and bore cylinders 82.5,adahead 32cc,jetinetics flywheel,vforce3,single intake with 44 blackjack .....<<<

if i put b pipe with carbon limited chamber what i will earn? i know that is 50% lighter than the factory one and carbon cools faster but i don't think that this spec will add more hp.


This Is The Way
Staff member
Not sure what the power difference is compared to an aluminum chamber but I love my carbon chamber FWIW I couldn't see my ski making any more power with an aluminum one.


Be there and be square.
Spring Hill, FL
Ive been curious if you lose anything going carbon on the chamber as well. I just dont see carbon having the same resonant frequencies...but who knows. its the volume the most important.
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I had a vision!
Site Supporter
Vendor Account
s florida
the carbon chamber is great! it stays much cooler than the aluminium and it also stays beautiful looking


From people that i talk everybody told me that the best pipe for my engine is factory b with mod chamber....>>>>
ported and bore cylinders 82.5,adahead 32cc,jetinetics flywheel,vforce3,single intake with 44 blackjack .....<<<

if i put b pipe with carbon limited chamber what i will earn? i know that is 50% lighter than the factory one and carbon cools faster but i don't think that this spec will add more hp.

I think that you will lose power with the carbon pipe..all that pipe is made for is just the looks..The aluminum pipe will give you the power you want..
its not just for looks... As stated above its lighter and stays much cooler than the aluminum. From what I understand this allows u to tune the pipe slightly hotter and make some more power.


Flipping Around !!!
i agree that carbon chamber is Sexy the matter is to gain more power
if i wanted to buy aluminum limited chamber i would buy the carbon chamber instead
but if i wanted to buy aluminum mod chamber for my jet(gain more hp) i would choose the mod carbon chamber but this is not possible because does not exist........


i know when i tested the carbon chamber i lost bottom end...then when i put the aluminum chamber on i got it all back...did anyone that has one feel the difference..


thanks darin...noswad!


This Is The Way
Staff member
i know when i tested the carbon chamber i lost bottom end...then when i put the aluminum chamber on i got it all back...did anyone that has one feel the difference..

I have not run them back to back on the same motor but when run side by side on two very comparable boats we saw no difference (seat of the pants) and my boat was slightly overpropped. Like said before though it does allow you to dry out the exhaust more which seemed to me to be snappier on the bottom than the other boat I rode. Also ran it back to back with a ski with a TNT and port matching and felt little difference.

They both get gummed up with oil goo. I'm not sure how much reflection difference there is after the ski has ran for a few hours

Also a good point, a gummed up alloy chamber probably doesn't have much better resonance than a carbon one. Plus the fact that they look trick and are stupid light.


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Katie's Boss
100% one place
We need to see some Dyno sheets on this comparison. Maybe someone could contact John Force and see if we can use his Dyno. I hear its out back in a shed.



Carbon chamber is a waste of money imo. When my beat arse Al chamber cracks i take it to a welder in town and he fixes it for me in a day for 15 bucks. Try that with a carbon one.


Flipping Around !!!
the matter is not only the matterial aluminium or carbon but the size of the chamber .mod chamber is cut 1.5" off the length but the carbon chamber is like limited ... my opinion


This Is The Way
Staff member
Carbon chamber is a waste of money imo. When my beat arse Al chamber cracks i take it to a welder in town and he fixes it for me in a day for 15 bucks. Try that with a carbon one.

Crack the carbon chamber first.

the matter is not only the matterial aluminium or carbon but the size of the chamber .mod chamber is cut 1.5" off the length but the carbon chamber is like limited ... my opinion
as said before

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This Is The Way
Staff member
Just wait till it rubs thru haha j/k man

Do you see any other forms of high performance two stroke engines using carbon pipes? I personally wish they made a thin stainless b-mod chamber.

Nobody ever said they make more power...the carbon is used for weight saving the same power + less weight = better p/w ration and is equal to the heavier pipe making more power. A stainless chamber would get hot as sh*t, and like the aluminum chamber once any bit of water hit it, it would steam and fill your engine compartment with steam....high performance steam filling your carbs :pokey:
Oh yeah, and the Japs where (probably still are?) running carbon chambers on their competition boats for a long time.
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