Be there and be square.
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- Spring Hill, FL
I dont think the question or point was whether the carbon chamber made more power but just to clarify that it didnt make less.
Carbon chamber is a waste of money imo. When my beat arse Al chamber cracks i take it to a welder in town and he fixes it for me in a day for 15 bucks. Try that with a carbon one.
very true!
I woudlnt worry so much about the carbon chamber cracking, but rcubbing thru instead...
Maybe whoever makes them should add an additiounal 4-6 layers of carbon on the hull side...:scratchchin:
x2Have people been having a problem with this?
Nobody ever said they make more power...the carbon is used for weight saving the same power + less weight = better p/w ration and is equal to the heavier pipe making more power. A stainless chamber would get hot as sh*t, and like the aluminum chamber once any bit of water hit it, it would steam and fill your engine compartment with steam....high performance steam filling your carbsokey:
So why are the blaster chambers stainless and the factory pipe sj chambers aluminum? Do the SJ chambers run hotter due to their smaller size? Does CF dissipate heat better than AL or can it just take more?
Have people been having a problem with this?
I'm about to rub through either my hull or chamber in my 91 squarenose....
I have tried a million ways to make it fit better... I just have to keep putting in pieces of turff for it to rub through first...
and that's on an aluminum chamber
I think the CF can just dissipate it better, with the water settings I run an aluminum chamber would be scalding hot, I can hold my hand on the CF chamber as long as I want. My waterbox used to steam water after riding for a while, my pipe runs nearly dry.
Thanks for clearing that up, Im not trying to make the argument that carbon chambers are better than aluminum so nobody is confused just saying that I like my carbon chamber (really like it) and have no plans to replace it with an aluminum one because IMO I won't gain anything (but weight) but had I not got this pipe I would not likely go out and spend $500 on a new carbon chamber because I am cheap.I think there's a big misconception going in this thread - about carbon chambers being cooler.
The chamber doesn't influence how hot the exhaust gases are.
Aluminum is a very good conductor of heat. That's why it's hot to the touch. It conducts the heat away from the chamber.
The carbon chamber does not feel hot because it doesn't conduct heat very well. That's perfect indication that it is a much worse heat conductor than the aluminum, causing the chamber to actually run hotter than one with aluminum.
If carbon dissipated heat better, the outside would be even hotter than an aluminum chamber.
I don't imagine it matters all that much, but I figured I'd clear that up. Carbon chambers do not run cooler. They contain the heat better.
carbon fiber is cool by definition.
if the exhaust doesnt cool down then this means more thermal load on your pistons
more likely to over heat the back of the piston and lead to melt down
not that i would think its much difference in heat
Has anyone actually measured the weght difference between the two
i mean its not like alloy is lead