Custom/Hybrid Aluminum painting questions

I searched I promise, but could only find answers about painting a ski. I'm wanting to paint my brackets on my SuperJet pole and was wondering how to do it without getting all bubbled up with corrosion in a day from saltwater. I have already stripped the bottom bracket down to bare metal.

I would like to go rattle can, but what would I get?

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
sand blast all the old coatings off, use a self etching primer and a good quaity paint. And epoxy based paint would be good. There is no guarantee on keeping out the bubbles.
you could blast the parts, then use brush alochrome if you can get it (we used to use it on Aircraft for small repairs) then an etch primer and finally topcoat - if done correctly should keep the bubbles at bay
Alright, I'm going to powder coat the one on the bottom since it's already off the pole. I really want to powder coat the top bracket too, but not wanting chop the upper end of the pole just to try and get that bracket off and I haven't heard of anyone chopping the top end.

Maybe take a bit off both ends when I shorten the pole???
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