Good you were kidding, especially with the red! Red in aluminum can tear the threads out, just tightening countersunk set screws correctly usually does the job!
BadVinny ,sorry man, i was just trying to make a funny ! (hence the jk under my first post) i figured anyone who has stripped one of these would be like : red lock-tite was a captain obvious no,no .basically like saying use a @#$%^$ breaker bar . I know my humor is sometimes mis construed ,but hey what else do i say to that picture .if nothing else it at least massaged the conversation on correct way to do it ,as i covered what not to do ,right ? the last time i stripped one those soft screws ,i ended up drilling out just enough of the head of the screw to get the plate to come off .which can be unnerving on a set of nice carbs ,or any carbs for that matter .but if you use a bit just large enough to get the head off theres enough screw thread left sticking up to grab with pliers or grips or fingers when you take the plate off.just barely snugged up tight is enough on those suckers ,Imo.
( but going this route sucks ,when you were like ,i just want to do a quick jetting change ,DAMMIT ! )