Amateur freestyler pick-me-up

I talk to a lot of people when we are at the lake, and even away from the lake. They approach us at gas stations, boat ramps etc. Yesterday I got some huge air off a friendly wake board boat. After seeing all the air we can get, some inverted nose stabs (not by me or my group), some mostly complete barrel rolls, etc, do you know what trick the ALWAYS ask for?

"can you go underwater?"

The sub. that's it. That seems to be the average joe's favorite trick to see.

Amazing. I'm breaking my neck trying to do a back flip off a boat wake (I got over half way around too) and they ask for a SUB. Even the girl with the double D's and no swimsuit top on removed her hands covering her boobs to gesture the SUB and ask if we would do one. Um, sub for boobs, HECK YEAH!

So amateur guys like me that can't do anything compared to Lenzi or Malone don't feel too bad because most of the audience is really just there to see a SUB!

A couple of subs, a few good fountains and maybe some hood tricks and you've got an actual crowd pleasing freestyle show.



St. Clair, MI
We get the same thing when we are out riding, just get done doing a roll or stab and every time you look back to see the reaction? They will be motioning to do a sub, so you do one then they all go crazy!


Other Administrator
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South Florida
The rednecks on the couches will chase us down to ask how they can sub their skis. "How d'yall do that?"


Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
haha.. definitely the most requested trick.. But you know that is the first one you tried to learn when you got your first ski too.
This post is completely worthless without pictures.

You damn tease.


OMG. I wish I had a camera that day. The whole thing was surreal. We beached our skis because Scott was having trouble with his. I noticed a girl kinda scramble for the shore. Then I realized she was topless. I was worried we had surprised them. She's standing there with her hands over her huge boobs and I'm like "don't look, don't look." then SHE starts a conversation with us. "Hey those are stand-ups, right." Um, yes, attractive topless girl they are.



First class nutblaster
San Diego
So at the recent trip I took to lake powell, The trick to learn was 360 slides. But no matter how tall the fountain or how big the spray, it was always, "Do a nosedive!". VERY true!
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