As AC/DC wouls sing.. "Sink the Pink"!
dbrutherford Parts Whore Location Fairmont, WV Aug 10, 2009 #21 As AC/DC wouls sing.. "Sink the Pink"!
typhoontommy Location Detroit, MI Aug 10, 2009 #22 That's way we have the Deepest sub award on our freestyle tour. Hunter won last week
WILKEY SO FAR CHANGE SUCKS!!!!!! Location Va Beach."from the WOODZ not the damn hoodZ" Aug 10, 2009 #23 i want a shirt :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::439::439::439:
Polish jet pilot 4aces4aces4aces4aces4aces Location Warsaw, Poland Aug 11, 2009 #24 This is so true! Subs are the shizznit for the uneductaed eye - SUBS for Boobs for President!