Custom/Hybrid An 1100 LX


So.. this idea came around after some thought and a sudden impulse buy. I started my ski obsession with a waverunner 500. 1988, ran like a turd with no water box. Well.. got another, that i loved, but sold it when i found my 1990 Waverunner LX. Its a 6M6 650, only year they had a 50hp in them. It books along at 40 or so mph, with a 13/18 solas SC pitch prop. well surfing kijiji tonight, which i dont do often, i tracked down what to me is the crown jewel of powerplants, a Yamaha 1100 triple. Now, before you say anything, YES, i KNOW this is nuts. yes, im well aware this is WAY too much power for the pump, and yes, im sure something will blow up. If you ask me why, my answer will be "Why not?". With that out of the way, heres my plan.

The 1100 has sat for a few years, so it doesn't turn over. One of the reasons i picked it up complete with electronics for less than a ported 61x cylinder. a full rebuild will be needed, so im glad im starting now. selling old parts and extra motors will fund this as im in school, and a lot of the things like mounts will be made by yours truly. ill spend the winter going over it, seeing whats needed and what i can salvage, im sure it will need at least a hone, probably new pistons, all new seals, maybe carb kits, who knows. i havent opened it up to find out whats inside yet, i just know i cant spin it my hand. good news is it has a oil blockoff plate already on it, but that could mean its seized. looking down the cylinders i saw no sign, but again, dont know. ill dive into it this weekend and see where i stand. till then i should pull a motor and get it online to make some $.

Heres the ski its going into:

and heres the motor:
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mike b

Michael "Mayhem" Bevacqua aka MikeyChan
hahaha awesome! ive wanted to do some conversions crazy like this too but want to get set with a freestyle ski first. I was wanting to put a honda aquatrax turbo in a WB1 which im sure is about as nuts as this. Subscribed and cant wait for pics and vids!


Haha yea thats pretty far out there, but if you can find the powerplant, would be a rocketship! i realised how big of a sleeper even the 650 was. this will be hilarious if i can pull it off!


With the cylinders off, the motor still would not spin. This is where i found the problem and the reason the motor was removed from the ski. the rear bearing near the coupler suffered a failure of the outer race. it would apear the motor was run some time with this problem, which resulted in some abrasion of the case. I will clean it up and reuse it.


I now have everything organised on a shelf, all bolts are bagged based on each item removed. next step is to get the bearing replaced, check the others, and start washing everything down. I will go ahead and replace the pistons while i have it apart, and bore it around 1mm over to 82 mil. A full gasket kit will be an obvious choice as well, considering the current one is from the factory. I had no broken bolts, nothing seized, and it all came apart very easy. at this time i am unable to test the electronic parts, so i left them together till a later date. There is a cut harness, though i believe it was for gauges. not a bad motor for $200.


posting bearing code i need for future reference. 93306-307U3-00
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this old shelf sat outside my shop, i was about to toss it but figured parts across my floor was a bad idea. Honestly, im gonna run the stock 130 or whatever it is pump. i have a 13/18 prop in the pump thats brand new. im sure it will be too small, but ill run it this summer and if its a problem swap it next winter. i can always glass in a 144 this time next year.


made some headway. looks like it wont be too bad to get the block to sit in there. im going to end up building the motor in the ski, no way ill get it in complete. found a blown midshaft, glad i have a spare!


pew pew lazers!
So Utah
we bought a pile0chit tigershark 1000... you have to flip the motor in the hull to take off the bedplate, which weighs 40+ lbs, to take the motor out. and same thing to put it back in. see if you can get everything minus the intake in as one piece. doing the exhaust in the hull might be a problem. doing the intake will be a lot easier. i just went through my 1100 i picked up for my 1100 sn sj build on the pwctoday.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
this old shelf sat outside my shop, i was about to toss it but figured parts across my floor was a bad idea. Honestly, im gonna run the stock 130 or whatever it is pump. i have a 13/18 prop in the pump thats brand new. im sure it will be too small, but ill run it this summer and if its a problem swap it next winter. i can always glass in a 144 this time next year.
It's a 133 pump on the stator. The inlet is tiny about 115 or something like that. If you see my thread about the mini mag you will see what I am doing with the same pump unit


we bought a pile0chit tigershark 1000... you have to flip the motor in the hull to take off the bedplate, which weighs 40+ lbs, to take the motor out. and same thing to put it back in. see if you can get everything minus the intake in as one piece. doing the exhaust in the hull might be a problem. doing the intake will be a lot easier. i just went through my 1100 i picked up for my 1100 sn sj build on the pwctoday.
got a link?

It's a 133 pump on the stator. The inlet is tiny about 115 or something like that. If you see my thread about the mini mag you will see what I am doing with the same pump unit
awesome! good to know.


Arlington TX

I would try and knock out a pump swap now. Maybe yank a big boy from a couch and glass it in and be done. Just my .02, either way, it looks like a fun build. I like your 'screw it, i'm putting a triple in the most unassuming boat ever' attitude lol.


i would too, and im sure ill have to, but im also building a A/M freestyle hull, and a 762 big bore 61x so ive got my hands full. if it lets go, ill swap it out. i was tempted to put it in the wavejammer hull i have, at 7ft long and under 300lbs, but figured that power would be nicer on something i can take the GF on as well. im going to freshen up the stock pump, to keep it from really going boom on me.

on the hull, im going to need to use a superjet waterbox in the nose and probably a kart tank, though id love to fit some tanks under the seat. it would balance the ski and give me some range to rip. the sit down is still my distance ski that i like to take out for 3-4hrs at a time. this ski did 38mph before this, im gonna guess it will do 50 after. at least i hope it will. should be super sketchy with a smooth flat bottom.

anybody make good helmets?
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might have to make and sell mount plates to do this swap! im surprised the interest its had so far. cant wait to test it, the look im gonna get with this old haggard machine should be priceless.


I should mention i have a 650 motor for sale if anybody is interested! It would help me get this done as im low on $$$. can sell as a short block or long block, your choice.

I am headed to florida saturday for the week, if your in that area let me know. ill get back at it when i get home.
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