Anaheim Supercross after party

January 03, 2007

Anaheim Supercross After Party
- press release -

National Sports Bar!
Hosted Jamey Grosser #117

Date: Saturday, January 6th, 2007

Location: National Sports Bar
450 N State College Blvd
Anaheim, CA 92868

It’s 2007 and time to launch the Supercross After-Party. Bigger better and new locations! This will be the biggest year ever for Supercross and our party! Make sure we see you at National Sports bar off State Collage across from the Big A this weekend to see our new attitude! So log on to ASAP for all the info!
no tickets, just a big 67 inch unit, a big couch and the speed channel and 3 hour of live supercross action in my own living room. ONLY THING I NEED IS A PAIR OFF MX BARS AND I WILL FEEL LIKE IM RIDING. and YES So. California


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southwestern PA
I will be layin all snug in bed ready to watch the gate drop!!!...just got to try to stay awake to see the doesn't come on in pa time till 10pm...!!! WHO's GONNA WIN!!
rode elsinore just got back and now ready for the event and the popcorn is ready. my bike is to dirty now from the track. but that was funny


Official Beach Bitch

he he he
Where was the "I told you so" the last 2 races? LOL!!!
Stewart is def the fastest rider out there, but he still hasn't proven he can stay upright enough to win a championship.
Maybe this will be the year, but I'm not holding my breath. :bigeyes:


brraap....thats so 2002
im with Ronny on this one....he is going to have to use his head, in the past he has proved he doesnt know how. but the dude is fast.....i watched him on 60's and 80's do things pros wouldnt do..... but i have watched rc and ezra and a bunch of others do the same. i even got to line up against RC before.
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