another cooling question


Creative RE Purchasing
i went to jet works today. no i didnt call write or send a carryier piegeon what i did was talk face to face about the whole cooling and fcv issue they invented it and have there name on it and know what the are talking about.

the fcv is after the t off the strait part of the tee in line with the hose. the t part goes overboard. he also gave me a restrictor from a carb screw it has a small hole and that is placed in the line that goes overboard.

also i am posting pics of my new sxr style flush kit. its way sano and super easy/why shop around and find crap to make a backflush when you can just do it like this and have water go in all directions. using any style garden hose.

i don't understand why you have two "T's" in the one line.


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I'm sure jetworks knows their stuff, but this causes me to wonder about the usefulness of dual cooling. If the outflow of the whole system is restricted, then that controls how much water can run through it. Having two inflows would not increase flow at all.

So why should anyone bother with dual cooling?


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I've had a dead day at work, so I have sat here and read EVERY thread I could find on dual cooling. From what I can tell, everyone has their own way that they will swear by. I am about to run what I believe to be the most common setup: stock engine with a girdled head, 35cc domes, MSD Enhancer and a b-pipe. Can I get some advice that applies directly to my setup? I think it will help out a lot of other people.

I understand that SuperJETT likes parallel cooling and Crammitt and Supertune like regular dual cooling. I'm willing to try either one, but I need to know what restricters to use and where to put them. I'm starting to think that I should have a restricter everywhere.

4mm on pisser off the stinger line?

2mm between the fcv and the stinger?

6mm on the pisser off the head?

Do these sound right? I know I have to tune it to get 120 degrees off the head but what about the line off the pipe?

I bought a $25 restricter from jetworks and now I'm guessing I need a few more? Are there some cheaper alternatives?

I know these are a lot of questions but somebody has got to help me out.

EDIT: I meant to start my own thread with this...please post here:
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sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
dern 2006 superjet, do u eat out of that ski...that mother is clean. nice lookn ski.


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

thanks but just keeping it nice.

i bout it a year ago from a guy in az he used it in the river i bought it bone stock and went from there. they stay nice if you get them nice. i also use ace hardware silicon spary to protect it insted of wd40 i still use wd 40 around the impeller area

oh and im super ocd. clean and sano all the way..


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
explain the silicone spray vs. wd. i've never done either. u just hose the engine bay with it or what?
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