Another refoaming question.. well sorta

Another foaming reinforcement discussion but in a different way.

Ok everybody has to defoam and refoam to get the water out. I know there are a few running no foam just reinforcements. And drain plugs are the new thing but this question is way of track. Why not just install the scupper on the outside of the hull and let the rear of the ski drain with the scupper. Just a big hole in the bulkhead on both sides.

I have installed scuppers on my buddys sitdowns and never had an issue. What is the difference? I know that there isn't a air pocket and if there was a major leak or hull damage along with a ski that is not running that the ski would sink but what are the chances. And I am not worried about that at all. My ski has more than enough insurance if it disappears.

I am thinking of doing this in the next few weeks and want some input. I am going to defoam and I am going to reinforce so why not just leave it like that. Sorta have it look like this on the inside. No more water peoblems EVER Has anyone ever thought of this or am I just drunk??

Everybody has an opinion so lets hear it. <flame suit on>
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ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
not to mention all that water weight would make it 'feel' funny rushing out.

Im thinking as badly as youve said your hood leaks, that is a VERY bad idea.

unless you ride in a very shallow and crystal clear lake with a hard bottom.

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Heres an idea,just ride with a 70-80 ft rope tied to you and the ski,and oh yeah a marker bouy tied to that as well,that way we can find either you ,the ski or possibly both.
Id have to say your drunk. lol

Bad idea to say the least. One day your boat will go under..... will your insurance pay for all your mods, and hard work you have put into it.

Why not just a tradional scupper set-up. Single scupper has been all I ever neede. My next boat will be dual bildge pumps.

Seal it all up good, no foam, and add drain plugs. You will never loose your babby, and it will never have wet foam. :Banane25:


salty nuts
coastal GA
I want to know what ins co covers all those aftermarket parts & hull. :deal: I think you'd be very sorry if you had to actually file a claim.
Not to threadjack, but if you run no foam on a stock hull how much reinforcement is needed and in what spots?

You will want cut out the tray, and reinforce just like you do from the Bulkhead forward.

...Fill the bondline (i recomend epoxy+microfiber)
...I would probably go with two layers 1208 biaxal from the bottom of the hull, and bring it up into the upper turf rail.
...Then tab the deck back in, and reinforce the tray.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
What if he did what he is saying by adding the scupper, but also filled the compartment up with DOW foam that does not absorb water? That way you still have the water displacement material when the scupper is leaky to keep er afloat, but as soon as you take off.... all the water is out and your foam never gets wet. I have been kicking the idea of doing something similar with my X2, but using a versiplug instead of a scupper. That way its totally self draining and I will still have 4CU/FT of foam. My plan does not entail cutting the bulkhead/firewall though. I'd keep the engine bay seperated.
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That is a good idea with the foam but it will stick to the hull and hold water. just like the stock stuff.

I have my ski insured for $6500 so if it gets stolen or sinks it is a $6500 check. Regardless of my mods. I could insure it for what ever I want it is just the premium that goes up with more money. They don't care what I have or what is done to it as long as I pay for it.

I been on SJ's since 2000 and I have never had one sink. Not even close. I don't ride surf so i guess flat water has less of a chance sinking

WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
I didn't know insurance covered stupidity,if it in fact does I know of a large base of customers for them.
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