Super Jet Another Square back to life build


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new jersey
As the title says, we're starting with a 93 sn sj, 701 dual 38's, everything else stock I think. Just purchased late-summer from Main man and very happy with it so far. But, as with everything I buy, I have to modify it some way to make it mine. The exterior is raw with some cracks and bumps, thats the main reason for the build. IMG_0437.jpg

I haven't done this before but the list goes: new rn pole, reinforced hull, modded hood and liner, footholds, and turf for starters.
Ive already started the craziness and will post as I go and have time. All input greatly appreciated!


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new jersey
I was going to try to get this done (less reinforcement ) with engine intact but I decided if I'm going this far why not all the way. So out came the 701 61u.

Started stripping and found more probs with hull, good thing my composites order is arriving tomorrow.
i just finnished my sn last week, same problem on the inside on mine too!! i reinforced my nose, and inside the compartment, i didnt want to go to far with mine but urs is lookin good!


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new jersey
Got my composites order and I think I ordered way too much! Guess Im just going to have to take on some more

Yesterday I cleaned out the hull and started grinding and sanding. My pancake compressor is so not keeping up with me. Not sure if I want to drop 200+ on a bigger compressor. The ribs came out fairly easy but dusty as hell. Should've worn goggles-my eyes were killing me last night.
Not sure if everyone takes out the upper ribs beneath the hood seal? Looks like it might weaken the hood if I do. Also what about the excess green epoxy at the bulkhead and floor of the hull? I was going to grind out so I could get a flat surface to glass on.


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new jersey
I'm not sure how I want to attack fixing all the cracks. Some look like only stress cracks but a few are bad and show through on the exterior of the hull. I read some other build where the guy drilled holes at the end of the cracks to prevent any more before glassing over. From my research guys used chopped strand and resin to fix major cracks and holes. I think drilling the holes makes sense just dont know if I should cut the area out all together and start fresh. Ive only repaired my surfboards so these types of repairs are learn as I go.


if it aint broke, dont fix it
St. Clair, MI
i would put a few layers of glass along that bond line if your going to remove the ribs, i left them in before i reinforced the bond line the second time i rebuilt it and my hull cracked right on the line after launching off a boat wake!


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new jersey
i would put a few layers of glass along that bond line if your going to remove the ribs, i left them in before i reinforced the bond line the second time i rebuilt it and my hull cracked right on the line after launching off a boat wake!

Definitely plan to fill bond line before reinforcing sides but there are small corner ribs right under the hood seal that I'm not sure i should take out. I'd like to glass all the way up the side to underneath the seal but havent been able to find a build thread that touch's on this one detail. Too cold out now to be working in the garage. Gotta move to the basement.


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new jersey
Work slow atm, so back to the ski. Finally got it inside and flipped over to start smoothing the gouges on the bottom. Also starting to get all materials together- OCD bilge switch, jetmaniac primer bulb, hood strap, tom sponsons and footholds.
Because of the debacle with Rev footholds, I ordered Toms econo holds in the meantime. I was thinking of trying out quad footholds now that I have two pairs but I'm just going to use Toms, so If anyone can use the Revs, PM me.


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new jersey
I wanted to lower and round-out my hood so I chopped it with the angle grinder.
IMG_0154.jpg That made beating out the liner a little easier. What carnage!
Next I foamed it so I could round out the top. Then shmeared some epoxy/filler over it so I could glass over it. Wasn't sure if glass would adhere well to the raw sanded foam.


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new jersey
Finally was able to put some time in and be done with this dust house. Unfortunately for me I found wet foam so out came.
And in went the green foam which I finished off with the sticky-as-hell 2 part. I made sure to clean and seal all the thru hull fittings with 5200 as well as re-riveting exhaust. I should have lowered the exhaust pipe while I was in there b/c it protruded into the foothold a little.


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new jersey
Footholds were next, and the way it came out I made the rear of the tray was wide as possible with the footholds against the outer side wall.
The way I installed and foamed was probably a little unorthodox but its my first time and worked for me. As you see in the other pics I kept the dry upper portion of the factory foam on the sides, so after i had the wells carved out there was little foam to replace. No need to fill foam from the top, I just vaselined the footholds(poor mans release agent) , secured them in place and filled from a small gap on the sidewall.
After popping out the foothold I laid a couple layers of 12 oz biax along the perimeter where the foothold will go and let it cure. I re-installed with filler and few rivets. Perfect fit! Also carved out the walls some and opened the tray up.


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new jersey
So now Im waiting for more resin, but I have more foam left!!! I love dust :( I have a crack in the under side of the nose so we chopped it and went for a more round approach.
I dont know which build thread I read it on but he commented how modding the hood took just as long or longer than the ski itself. So friggin true!
My one dilemma is this: I know making an internal fill would look money and clean up the nose but gassing up is so much quicker when the hood stays put. So when I foamed I boxed-out around the gas fill and carved out the nose I'm left with a well where gas and water can accumulate.( bad planning by me) I was thinking to extend the gas neck make it flush with the new design. Some foam and a new hole solves it. Any thoughts?
Hey Motoman have you seen/considered a kawi 750 style drain for your fuel fill area? They have a small hole drilled through the hull at the bottom of the fill area with rubber fitting and a small hose attached that drains water/spilled gas into the bottom of your engine bay. Just a thought, nice work on the build so far.750 fuel drain.jpg


someone turf my rails
View attachment 210596
My one dilemma is this: I know making an internal fill would look money and clean up the nose but gassing up is so much quicker when the hood stays put. So when I foamed I boxed-out around the gas fill and carved out the nose I'm left with a well where gas and water can accumulate.( bad planning by me) I was thinking to extend the gas neck make it flush with the new design. Some foam and a new hole solves it. Any thoughts?

If you've already went the all the work to cut the nose off and foam it up, consider raising the height of that nose to give yoursleve a little more rocker & less or a blunt nose. Just my opinion. Keep up the good work! Here is what I did on my carbon hull build.

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