Any 07 Dates Yet?

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Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
There won't be a Riot Ride this year - the name will change, probably just back to Lanier Ride like it used to be. It will go ahead and be bigger than ever, just don't look for a Riot Ride announcement and miss out on the fact that the name will change.


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
We are working on a new location, as the event has out grown the Bald Ridge campground. once that is found, the date will be set. Expect the announcement before the end of the month............

Don't worry about an April date, it's always around the end of May!


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Yes, we have that info. Kathy & I will be scouting for the site this weekend.


Standing Tall
Staff member
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Nick did an unbelivable job on the 06 Daytona ride & we were able to top him................... This year, he again set a pretty high bar............
Is it going to be topable???? You can be sure, we will do our best!!!
As always, the Lanier Ride will be a must attend ride!!!!
Once we announce the date.... better start planning to attend !!!


Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
I can hardly wait for this ride....I need to redeem myself for the lack of riding I did in Daytona. Paul, if you need ANY help with this one...gimme a ring


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Help!!!! We would love volenteers!!!!
The core group is going to be :
Kathy, Ronny, Ally, Harrison & Myself.

as things get more organised, we will let you know where we need help.
Thank you for stepping up !:biggthumpup:

Waste Land

Non Multa Sed Multum
Florence, AL
Help!!!! We would love volenteers!!!!
The core group is going to be :
Kathy, Ronny, Ally, Harrison & Myself.

as things get more organised, we will let you know where we need help.
Thank you for stepping up !:biggthumpup:

You know better then to wait for me to let ya know. If you need some help just volunteer me before I start drinking and eating wings:biggthumpup:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
race schedules need to be ironed out also......... Want to try to keep from having back to back weekends also..

hey Shawn, Was the Park Ranger talking about Sawnee? If so, that is not a good site, all woods and no beach area.


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
Nick did an unbelivable job on the 06 Daytona ride & we were able to top him................... This year, he again set a pretty high bar............
Is it going to be topable???? You can be sure, we will do our best!!!
As always, the Lanier Ride will be a must attend ride!!!!
Once we announce the date.... better start planning to attend !!!

You have a PM. I'm happy to help, of course.

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Help!!!! We would love volenteers!!!!
The core group is going to be :
Kathy, Ronny, Ally, Harrison & Myself.

as things get more organised, we will let you know where we need help.
Thank you for stepping up !:biggthumpup:

so what, me and rhonda are chopped liver now??? :biggrin:

how could we not help out in our own backyard???
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