Any 07 Dates Yet?

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Backflip, weeee
Marietta, GA.
Bald Ridge is a horrible spot in my opinion...there is only one marina that dead ends at that part of the lake...If we could get a campground more north there is within very close distance from each other Aqualand, Lanmar, Holiday, and sunrise...Sooooo many more boats are runnin around that area.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
We all got used to bald ridge I would like to return to the same spot. I see post from lake lanier locals giving there opions one states its a good spot and one says there's better. I'ld say let the organizer either move it, no questions asked or post the differences of another location then let us weigh in our opions. AND the man that told us about the noise curfew was not a ranger, Before I left bald ridge I talked to him in the check out booth.


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I can't wait for this year! Me and 3 other buddies plus one that lives down there will be there. Given, they're all greenhorns to jetskis, Im sure they'll have some fun watching! I'm hopefully bringing my new ski, can't wait! :arms:

We'll be arriving a day early and hopefully leaving a day late to the given times.
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