Other Any advice in dealing with UPS claims?


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
I'm having a real hard time dealing with UPS on a damage claim. You guys have any advice on how best to deal with them? I paid an extra $50 (for $5000 coverage) as "insurance" on a shipment, coming to me. I've never been told "It's not insurance, it's simply a declaration of value." When you purchase the "insurance" no one tells you "it's not insurance." I understand any dick could buy the "insurance" on a shipment and send a damaged POS and then say it's busted on the recipient's end, but then why even offer shipping coverage if they won't back it up? All the onus lies on the actual shipper and the quality of packaging, but this package had obviously been dropped (several times) and when UPS inspected they said all communication had to go to the shipper/purchasee of the shipping, by proxy that's me but whatever. So, I'm out of the loop on most of the communication, but the shipper has a good rep and know what's up too.

Really what I'm looking for is any inside info from someone who's dealt with UPS on a big claim or someone who's worked at UPS and know's who to contact or what position is held that makes the decision on these claims. I'm gonna bulldog this to the bitter end.


Thrust built Dasa Power
Off site
I ship with Fedex & UPS, 20-40 packages per wk on the average... UPS only pays if the package is lost, damage never gets paid. Your always going to here it wasn't packaged right, not enough tape, pad, etc.... I've been to this movie many times, never once got paid on damage....


I hate winter
One time we shipped a server via the UPS store. They packed it and shipped it. We bought the insurance and it was damaged. They still claimed it was our fault on the packaging and would not pay the claim. Good luck.


freeride junkie
north palm beach
ive only gotten paid back once on a ups item. i guess i got lucky. but the box had been torn open, and part of the item was lost. unfortunate, stay on it, dont let it get by!! if you dont get the answers you like appeal it! good luck.
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