Any board member live in Hawaii? Or have ridding info


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
I can't recall seeing anyone from Hawaii on here? Anyway, what are the ridding regulations over there? I have heard that you can only ride in the surf durring certain seasons? Google didn't help much, any info is appreciated.




So long and thanks for all the fish
Here is my 12 year old info for Oahu.

The coast is divided up into ORMA's (Ocean Recreation Management Areas), with each designated for a specific activity, be it bodyboarding, surfing, swimming, skiing, jetskiing, or undesignated.

There were only 4 ORMA's for jetskiing, none of which were in surf zones,
and all of which you had to transit to/from at either no wake, 5 knots, or 10 knots, depending on the channel/etc you are in.

One was east of Diamond Head at Hawaii Kai, one was south of the airport runways, and I can't remember where the other 2 were.

Now, that's to be legal. However, to get to the one at Hawaii Kai, you had to do 5 knots or less from the ramp to the main channel, then 10 knots or less out the main channel, turn at the sea buoy, and proceed to the UNMARKED riding area at 10 knots or less still, then ride, and return the same the way you went. All of this is in the channel/ocean where 'regular boats' are flying by you at whatever speed they feel, throwing HUGE wakes plus with waves coming in.

Obviously they don't enforce all the time, so we rode surf a lot at Hawaii Kai, and setup buoys inside the reef where it was ~3' deep. If water patrol felt like it, they would ticket you, and one day they ticketed every single rider on the beach at Hawaii Kai, including me.

I also got a ticket on the North Shore just for riding parallel to shore about 1/4 mile out, with nobody around.

Unreal. I went to court for both since you had to, one judge tossed it out completely because she didn't understand why I got a ticket, and the second was dropped from $200 to $50.

Anyway, that's my story. It was frustrating, and we ended up riding at Hickam AFB most of the time since it was military only, decent break, and never hassled by anyone other than the sharks.


So long and thanks for all the fish
Took some digging, but I found some official info. BTW, a typical non-designated ORMA means it's not really accessible, so it would suck to be there anyway.

Personal watercraft, also called "thrillcraft" in Hawaii, may be operated in the following areas on Oahu:
1) Designated Ocean Recreation Management Areas such as Haleiwa Bay, Kaneohe Bay (excluding the Sand Bar), Maunalua Bay and the Reef Runway.
2) Non-designated Ocean Recreation Management Areas. Personal watercraft must operate 500 feet offshore or the outer edge of the fringing reef, whichever is greater.
3) Personal watercraft may not operate in a marine life conservation district or marine natural area reserve.

Designated Ocean Recreation Management Areas (ORMA's) are established to (1) provide for increased public access; (2) reduce user conflicts; (3) promote overall public safety; and (4) avoid possible adverse impacts on humpback whales or other protected marine life (13-256-16). The designated areas also are established to control certain commercial activities to specifically designated locations and time periods as well as place limits on equipment types. Both recreational and commercial vessels may use designated areas when the permitted activity is not taking place and may cross the area at all times with caution. There are specifically designated zones assigned to qualified permittees within each ORMA. For example, commercial thrill craft may only operate in a specifically assigned location with not more than six craft in an area measuring 400 feet in diameter.

Non-designated Ocean Recreation Management Areas prohibit the commercial use of controlled ocean sports. In these areas off the islands of Kauai, Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii, recreational (i.e. non-commercial) thrill craft may operate in State waters only from 500 feet from the shore line (or outer edge of a fringing reef) to two miles off shore. Commercial or recreational use of controlled ocean sports equipment is prohibited around the islands of Lanai and Molokai. Similar rules are pending for Kahoolawe. There are no ingress/egress corridors established in non-designated Ocean Recreation Management Areas. Thus, motorized commercial vessels may not land and/or pick up passengers in these locations. (See accompanying maps for details.)


Eddie Would Go.
Charlotte, NC
I'm here in Oahu till Thursday. If anyone would be willing to rent me standup here I'm down. PM me and I can send you my #.

I would love to ride here. I have access to a car so I could meet pretty much anywhere.


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